The sea of fear

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Y/n's clothes:

Y/n's clothes:

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Narrator: "Because of the tears she shed for Brandon, Stella manages to break the spell that made her a monster. Layla is ready to defend Planet Andros from Valtor's threat and the Winx won't leave her alone."


Layla: "I just got the latest news. I spoke to my parents and they filled me in on what's been happening on Andros. They were able to take shelter in the royal palace, but even that isn't safe anymore. Spotter planes are watching Valtor's hideout, but they can't do anything to stop him. With each passing day, Valtor's becoming more powerful, and his mermaid minions have taken over the ocean." Bloom: "We've got to get to Andros before it's too late. I won't let your world meet the same fate as Domino."

~The Winx's Dorm~

Musa: "You're OUR friend, and you can count on all of us for help." Tecna: "But what about our classes? You know we can't just take off. And Miss Faragonda will never permit us to leave Alfea." Stella: "It's obvious that you have no experience with this type of thing." Stella picks out a wool hat and a scarf from her closet. Flora: "Huh?" Y/n: "Quentin!" Quentin: "Yeah?" Y/n: *Makes a double of herself* "Whatcha think?" Quentin: "Perfect." Stella: *cough-cough* "Excuse me, school nurse, I'm afraid I've got a terrible cold...*sneeze* Sorry, but I won't be able to...*cough-cough* attend classes." *cough-cough* Bloom: "I don't know how things work on your planet, Stella, but no one would fall for that on earth." Stella: "Just leave it to me. I'll stay here and cover for you." Musa: "Hey, does that mean you're not going to be coming with us?" Stella: "Believe me, I want to, but I can't. I'm just too worried about what's happening on Solaria. I might have to go there." Flashback. Stella: "What happened with my father was just... It was horrible how he ordered his guards to arrest me. I can't believe he didn't recognize me." Cassandra: "Radius, this monster is not your daughter..." Radius: "Guards..." Flashback ends Stella: "He had to be under some kind of spell. I know he was; he'd never treat me like that, and he'd never let Cassandra run his kingdom. That gold-digger isn't queen yet, but she's already acting like she is. The word from Solaria is that Cassandra and her daughter Chimera have taken over, and are now calling the shots. And King Radius? Well, he is merely doing their bidding." Layla: "Don't worry Stella, I completely understand how hard this is for you. And you guys, thanks so much, you're such good friends." The girls hug Layla. Bloom: "Of course I'll be careful, and yeah I'm gonna miss school and you." Y/n: "Double make yourself as sick as possible." Quentin: "Can I come?" Y/n: "Uhhh." Kelsey: "We'll help." Melody: "Yeah!" Pearl: "Mhhm." Amanda: "We're not letting you go by yourself!" Y/n: "Okay Melody, Pearl stay with Stella. Kelsey, Amanda you're with us." Amanda: "Okay!" Tecna: "Alright, are we done with our goodbyes yet?" Layla: "Hmm... just about, yes." Y/n makes doubles of Kelsey and Amanda. Y/n: "Good luck." Musa: "Hmm, uh, so are we leaving now or what?" Stella: "Come over here Winx." Tecna is holding a nifty gadget. Tecna: "Timmy and I designed this program that creates small dimensional passages. It should work." Musa: "It should?" The gadget opens a portal. Tecna: "I'll go first okay? You all follow me." Y/n: "Bye, girls!" Stella: "Here's a brave soul. Who's next? See you later. Flora." Layla: "Bye, Stella." Stella: "Bye, Bloom. And now, time to execute the big plan." Amore: "Stella, be careful. You've got to be ultra-convincing. The Winx mission depends on you!" Quentin: "Bye Y/n. DON'T Get your Enchantix."

~Nurse's Office~

Ofelia: "What? Alright. What's important is to keep warm, and to get plenty of rest. This is the 5th case of flu this morning. I better notify Griselda. This could very well be the start of a school-wide epidemic." Nurse #2: "That or there's a big test scheduled for today."

~The Winx's Dorm~

Stella: "I must not be such a bad actress after all." Amore: "Let's hope no one finds out the truth." Double Y/n: "Maybe real Y/n should've made doubles."

~Andros' Palace~

Niobe: "Layla." Teredor: "Welcome." Tecna: "See, I told you it would work. Ow!" Niobe: "My dear." Teredor: My sweet princess." Layla: "I couldn't wait to see you two again, I was so worried. My friends decided to come with me. They wanted to help save Andros." Y/n, Kelsey, Amanda, Bloom, Flora, Musa, and Tecna: "Your majesties." Teredor: "Thank you, but really, you shouldn't have come." Niobe: "It's no longer safe here. Valtor is a vicious enemy." Teredor: "And soon he'll put the whole Magic Dimension in danger." Y/n: "I-" Bloom: "It isn't your fault it's the heads of the school hiding it." Layla: "But we can stop him, daddy." Teredor: "I admire your optimism and I hope it's true Layla. The spotter planes have been keeping watch on the Omega Portal for days. That's where Valtor's hideout is located. His and energy is dark and powerful and he has dangerous allies." Niobe: "He's ruthless darling, you must be very careful." Amanda: "Hey! Didn't he almost kill you Y/n?" Y/n: "Umm... It was the first year of school." Bloom: "We will be careful, your majesty."


Layla flies in. Layla: "Fight me then! I am Layla, Princess of Andros!" Valtor is not at all delighted by Layla's confrontation. Valtor: "Princess of Andros! Prepare to suffer the same fate as this useless world! From now on, whenever your friends look into your eyes they will be reminded of the high price you just pay when dare confront the mightiest! In the name of Valtor, may you be enwrapped by the eternal darkness!" Y/n: "No!" Valtor blasts everyone with his magic. Layla screams. She is collapsed to the floor. Bloom flies to her. Y/n: *Flies towards Layla* "Layla!" Valtor: "Y/n." *Grabs her wrist* "What happened to your hair?" Y/n: "Chimera." She blasts him away from her. Bloom: "Layla! Layla..." Layla: "I can't see! I can't see!" *cries more* Bloom: "We're here Layla, we're right next to you." Layla opens her eyes; revealing she's blind. Layla: "I've gone blind!" Bloom: "Oh! Don't worry, Layla. We won't abandon you." Layla sobs.


Narrator: "On Planet Andros, the Winx look for the Coral Gem to give Layla her sight back and they fight a terrible Kraken. But a new amazing transformation awaits one of the Winx: Enchantix."

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