The Lilo

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Y/n's clothes:

Y/n's clothes:

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Narrator: "The Trix cursed Tecna's cell phone, which she had rigged to find the Sirenix Book. Instead, she opened an evil forbidden Tome and was transformed into a robot. But the Winx broke the spell, restored Tecna to herself, and found the Sirenix Book."


Stormy: "The weather is mine to command without limit." Darcy: "The depths of darkness have no secrets from me." Ice: "Sisters, behold the strongest ice spells in the whole magic dimension. But we still need more powers to defeat the Winx."


Flora is flying and trying to dodge the water. Palladium: "The test course is tricky. You must maintain your speed, Flora." Flora (thinking): "The Trix are getting more powerful every day. I must train harder. Whoa!!" Winx: "Oh." Palladium: "Be confident Flora. And focus your power! You can do it. Focus on what you love the most." Flora imagines Helia. Flora: "Helia... huh?" Flora manages to dodge the water. Flora: "OK. yeah. Got it! When I'm thinking of you, Helia, I believe in myself." Suddenly, water sprays upon Flora. Flora: "Uh!" Winx: "Huh!" Bloom: "Flora!" Flora gets out of the river. Flora: "I'm sorry Professor Palladium." Palladium: "We'll keep working on it, Flora." Flora turns to the Winx. Flora: "I just can't stay focused." Bloom: "That's not it, Flora. You are brave and powerful. But you have to believe in yourself." Griselda: "Winx, Headmistress Faragonda wants to see you all. In her office."

~Faragonda's office~

Faragonda: "Winx, we're facing a serious situation on Earth. And it involves your Believix powers." Bloom: "What's going on, Miss Faragonda?" Faragonda: "I'm afraid it concerns the Lilo." Y/n: "Like Lilo and Stitch." Flora: "I've heard of it. It's a magical plant, right?" Faragonda: "Because you Winx brought magic back to Earth, the Lilo will blossom there for the first time in centuries." Bloom and Flora: "Oh." Stella: "Why do I get the feeling that's not a good thing?" Faragonda: "The Lilo plant is very powerful, and like many magical things, could be used for good or evil." Bloom: "We're ready. As Believix fairies, it's our responsibility." Faragonda: "Good. I believe the Lilo is somewhere in Gardenia. It would blossom only once at sunset. Then it would lose its power. You must find it and plant it. You can not allow it to fall into the wrong hands."

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