Magix Christmas

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Y/n's Clothes:

Scene: Intro/Recap

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Scene: Intro/Recap

Narrator: "Stella's fashion show flopped and all day, she just behaves like a spoiled 3-year-old. Then thanks to an age-changing spell, she became one. After fighting off Tritannus' mutants in the waters of Zenith, Bloom's overcome by a sense that Daphne is in danger."

~Bloom & Flora's Dorm~

Bloom is humming Jingle Bells song and wrapping the present. Aisha: "Knock knock." Aisha knocks on the door. Bloom: "Oh hey you Winx! Come on in." Stella: "Well you're certainly in a good mood, Bloom." Bloom: "Of course. Because... it's Christmas Eve." Stella: "Wait. "Christmas." What is that again?" Bloom: "Well, it's only the best holiday on Earth. We gift presents..." Stella: "Great! I love presents!" Aisha, Musa, and Tecna: "Everybody loves presents." Bloom: "You guys. It's not about the presents." The presents drop. Bloom: "It's about how you feel. What you need is some Christmas cheer, like Christmas colors - red and green." Stella: "Well, I can get into red and green. But what about pink and blue? Oh-oh! Orange and purple? Yellow?" The girls laugh. Bloom: "I can't wait to get home to Gardenia to see my mom and dad. And this year, we've invited all the neighborhood kids over to trim the Christmas tree." Y/n: "Can I come?" Bloom: "Sure!"

~Living Room~

Matt's sister: "When's Bloom gonna get here?" Vanessa: "She should be leaving Alfea any minute." Mike: "And when she gets here, we'll light the tree." The kid's cheer. Vanessa: "Bloom always knows how to make Christmas extra special." Mike: "That's right. It's just not Christmas without our Bloom."

~Bloom & Flora's Dorm~

Bloom: "And if it "snows", that's called a "White Christmas"." Tecna: "It never snows on Magix." Musa: "Yeah! Too bad." Bloom: "But you know, the thing that makes Christmas special is... hard to describe. It's... magic. Christmas' magic."

~Riverbed near the Forest~

Ice: "'Christmas' magic'? What is that? It must be some new kind of power." Stormy: "And Bloom's gonna get it!" Darcy: "Urg! I've never even heard of "Christmas"." Ice: "Those fairies are already too powerful as it is. And with this new magic they could..." Darcy: "Ice! Bloom is getting ready to leave!" Ice: "That's what she thinks."

~Alfea's Central Courtyard~

Aisha: "We'll miss you, Bloom." Bloom: "I'll only be gone for two days..." The Specialists arrive. Stella: "Oh look! The guys are here." Musa: "Hey! We weren't expecting you." Riven: "They let us out early." Brandon: "So, bowling, anybody?" Stella: "Hmm... Let me think... Um... No!" Sky: "Going somewhere?" Bloom: "Just home. For Christmas. I wish we could spend it together." Sky: "Me, too. Wait, what's "Christmas"?" Y/n: "I can't wait to see what it's like!" Bloom giggles. The Trix appears. Stormy: "I never get tired of being invisible." Y/n: "Ice!" Darcy: "They don't even know we're here." Ice: "Let's go, sisters." Stormy shoves a fairy Fairy #1: "Hey!" Darcy: "Bloom looks so happy!" Ice: "Yeah! But it's not going last. Sisters!" They are about the use of a convergence spell. Ice: "Ice Crystal! Transforms!" The ice dragons appear. Fairy #2: "What is that?" The dragons attack the crowd. Bloom drops her valise and cell phone. Bloom: "Wow! Urg! Winx, transform!" Winx: "Magic Winx, Harmonix!"

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