Test of Courage

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Y/n's Clothes:

Y/n's Clothes:

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Narrator: "In the oceans of Lynphea, the Winx battled an enormous and hungry plant tainted by Tritannus' pollution. After defeating it, they solved the last riddle and headed to the Great Yellow Reef of Domino in search of the Gem of Courage."

~Tecna & Musa's Dorm~

Tecna: "So everybody's off to the Domino renewal ceremony?" Musa: "Yup. Although, I don't think Stella was entirely happy with their outfits." Tecna: "I'm happy they went. It's a big day for Bloom." Tecna and Musa gasps. Tecna: "The Sirenix Book." The Sirenix Book opens. Sirenix Book: "You have only one more test to gain the Gem of Courage. Find the Yellow Reef and snatch courage from its jaws." Tecna: "The Yellow Reef? There are over a hundred Yellow Reefs in the Magic Dimension." She checks it on the computer. Sirenix Book: "Find the Gem of Courage. Time is running out." The Sirenix book closes. Musa: "Oh, Man. If we don't finish this quest in the next two days, Then we can say goodbye to our powers forever.' Tecna: "We need help, and I know just who to ask. Sirenix Box." Tecna's Sirenix Box appears. Tecna: "Guardian of Sirenix, Please help." Tecna's Guardian of Sirenix: "What can I do for you, Tecna?" Tecna: "Guardian, we need to figure out which Yellow Reef holds the Gem of Courage." Tecna's Guardian of Sirenix: "Look for the Yellow Reef on a world that was saved by a single act of courage." Tecna gasps. Tecna: "Domino! Bloom's home planet." Musa: "Sky's bravery saved it" Tecna's Guardian of Sirenix disappears. Tecna: "Let's pinpoint the location of that Yellow Reef."

~Domino's Hall~

Sky: "Still worrying about Daphne? I'm sure she's proud of you today. You're receiving a great honor, Bloom." Bloom: "You're receiving the bigger honor, Sky." Sky: "Me? Why?" Bloom: "You saved Domino. You brought magic back here." Sky: "I did?" Bloom: "You did... With this."


Bloom: "You were able to pull the Royal Sword from its stone. Then you saved me and brought the kingdom back to life."

End of Flashback

Sky: "I don't remember that guy. He's so fearless." Bloom: "You were that guy, Sky. And you still are." Sky: "OK, Bloom." Y/n: "Why am I here exactly?" Bloom: "To meet my parents."Bloom laughs. Y/n: "Our mom adores Ice. It's kinda scary." Sky: "It was when you were having night terrors, right?" Y/n: "You remember that?" sky: "Very vaguely. You were petrified to fall asleep." Bloom: "You're gaining your memories slowly." Y/n: "Don't we have something to do. I'd rather not talk about Him." Bloom: "Now come on. My parents are waiting." Sky: "I don't remember them either."

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