The army of Decay

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(A/n: I skipped to when Y/n will be able to walk around and do activities without pain. All shallow wounds and bruises are healed. She just needs small breaks to give her ribs a break.)

Y/n's Clothes:

~Dining Hall, Cloud Tower~

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~Dining Hall, Cloud Tower~

Witch 1: "What the spell does is turn a fairy inside out so that the wings are on the inside. It's so funny!" Witch 2: "You gotta teach me that one." The Trix enters the room. The students start to murmur. Witch 3: "What are they doing here?" Witch 4: "Those are the seniors that got expelled." Witch 5: "Oh my darkness, don't look now, but guess you just showed up." The Trix, Pepe, and Knut walk in. Witch 6: "Who?" Witch 5: I can't believe it! It's like a deja vu spell. Ice, Darcy, and Stormy." Griffin: "What's the meaning of this? I made it perfectly clear that you are not to set foot on this campus." Griffin attacks them with green magic. The spell surrounds them and forms a bubble. Icy: "Nice try, Teach." Darcy: "But things are a little different now." Y/n: "Ice?" Griffin: "Go to my office and wait for me there Y/n. We'll continue this conversation after." Y/n: "Okay." Y/n teleports to Griffin's office. Stormy: "Show her what's up, Ice." Ice puts a hand to the bubble, ice spreads from his hand and the bubble shatters, the shards flying at Griffin sending her flying. The students gasp and the Trix laugh. Griffin: "How dare you?!" Professor Ediltrude and Zarathustra come to check on her. Zarathustra: "Professor Griffin!" Ediltrude: "Are you all right?" Zarathustra: *to the Trix* "This behavior is unacceptable." Darcy: "What are you gonna do? Give us detention?" Ice: "Teach the teachers a lesson, Stormy." Stormy eyes glow and she conjures a twister that sends the students and furniture flying. The students start screaming. Zarathustra and Ediltrude are also sucked into the twister and are thrown through a window. Griffin gasps. The twister dies down and the students start falling. Witch 7: "Professor! Help!" Griffin leaps off her platform. Griffin: "I'm coming!" Griffin shoots a spell at one witch and she disappears. Griffin: "Soft-onious Land-us!" Griffin shoots a spell at another witch and she disappears. Griffin: "Cushion-us Fall-us! All-encompass-us!" All the students and furniture glow and disappear. They reappear on the ground. Witch 8: "Thanks, Professor Griffin." Witch 9: "You saved us." Griffin is still falling but disappears and reappears on the ground behind Ice. Griffin: "You three are finished!" She conjures a large purple orb and throws it at the Trix but Darcy stops it and shrinks it to the size of a marble. Witch 10: "I don't believe it! That's impossible!" Darcy squishes the orb and it disappears. Griffin: "No one can do that!" Stormy: "Oh, that's nothing. Show her, Ice!" Ice conjures a funnel of ice and shoots it at Griffin, pushing her into a wall. Griffin yells and is stuck to the wall with ice. Stormy: "You don't have enough power to fight us, do you, Professor?" Ice: "It looks like you're taking an early retirement, as a wall decoration." Darcy: *addressing the students.* "Listen up, ladies! We're in charge now!" Stormy: "That's right!" Darcy: "And whoever doesn't like it will end up like old Professor Griffin here." Ice: "Powerless and useless." Knut and Pepe are scared. Witch 1: "Where is Y/n?" Witch 4: "Safe." Witch 6: "She'll help." Witch 3: "She might not be able. She is still weak from the fight with Valtor."

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