The Sirenix Book

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Y/n's Clothes. Y/n is wearing the tiara for the rest of the season.

 Y/n is wearing the tiara for the rest of the season

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Narrator: "The Winx face down the Trix in the Magic Archive of Alfea, where the Sirenix Book is kept. During the fight, trying to defend Bloom, Sky is hit by one of Icy's spells and loses his memory. Bloom is determined to do everything she can to help Sky."


Bloom: "Sky, wake up. Sky, please. Oh, Sky." Sky sits up. Bloom: "Oh Sky!" Sky: "Who are you?"

~The Winx's Dorm~

Bloom: "So we took Sky to the infirmary. He was so... confused." Flora: "He got hit pretty hard, Bloom. But he'll be OK." Aisha: "And in the meantime, we need to get back to finding the Sirenix book." Musa: "But there are so many books in the Magic Archive, we may never figure out which one it is." Tecna: "I disagree. By correlating the most recent data with new input from the web and mapping the results, I may be able to zero in on it." Stella: "Oh, Tecna, too technical. When I want to figure something out, I ask somebody, like now: What do you guys think of this color?" Aisha: "Bloom, are you OK?" Bloom: "Mm-mm. I'm so worried about Sky. He didn't remember anything. He didn't remember me." Musa: "Oh, Bloom." Tecna: "I'm sorry." Stella: "Bloom, you can't just sit around in your pajamas and worry. Up! You will get through this. We support you. And it's not just us! The whole school, every fairy at Alfea is on your side. So... time to go visit Sky!" Stella casts a spell that dresses Bloom* Bloom: "Oh, thanks, Stella. And you're right. From now on, positive energy." Aisha: "Yeah. Positive energy." All laughing. Together: "Positive energy." Stella: "And... new outfits!" Stella casts another spell that dresses the other girls Musa: "Wow." Tecna: "Sweet." Flora: "Oh, Stella, I love it." Bloom: "You should be a fashion designer." Stella: "A fashion designer? Yes. A fashion designer! So let's get going." Bloom: "Uh, Stella? I think you forgot something." Stella: "What?" Stella realizes she's still in her pajamas. All laughing.

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