The White Fox

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Y/n is wearing the same clothes as the last chapter.

~Intro/ Recap~

Narrator: "To recover the seventh prime star the Winx reach Dyamond, an icy and inhabitable planet. Here they repeatedly come across a small white fox. Sky followed the Winx on Dyamond and saved the fox, but Icy discovered him and furious froze Sky throwing him into an icy lake."

~Underwater, icy lake on Dyamond~

We're shown a very beautiful lake habitat. Bloom: "Sky's gotta be around here. I've gotta save him as soon as possible. This water will freeze anyone, and he may be out of air." Stella: "Don't worry Bloom. We'll manage to save him." Musa: "Yes Bloom, with our crystal sirenix light we'll find him in time." Bloom: "The water currents must have dragged Sky away. I've gotta find him! Hold on Sky I don't wanna lose you. I can't lose you."

~With Sky~

Sky takes a deep breath as he enters an underwater cave. He swims to the floor. Sky: "Ahh! My leg." Sky limps through the cave then sits down. Sky: "Luckily there is some air trapped in this cave. Though it doesn't look like it's gonna last." Sky climbs up a rock as the water reaches where he was standing. He falls back to where the water was. Sky: "The helmet of my suit! It has a built-in aqualan." Sky presses a button on his suit. Sky: "Oh no my suit is damaged." The water rises even more. Sky: "The water is rising. I'll freeze if I stay trapped in here. I gotta find a way out." Sky steps on a rock that is higher than the water. Sky: "Ah. Phew. I won't last long in this cold, and this whole place will be filled with water soon. Time to face the truth Sky. You're in trouble."

~With the Winx~

Bloom: "Where is he? He can't have just disappeared." Musa: "How deep is this lake Tecna?" Rocks start falling. Musa: "Huh?" Musa and Tecna dodge. Tecna: "Super deep, Musa, and super dangerous." Aisha: "Watch out girls." Aisha makes a Morphix shield around Musa and Tecna protecting them from the rocks. Musa: "Thanks, Aisha." The girls keep going deeper. Flora: "There's a passage over there." Bloom: "He could be there. Come-on girls. Sky won't last much longer." The girls enter the passage.

~With Sky~

Sky is fighting to keep above the water. Sky: "Ah! No. This isn't fair. Ah! I need to get out of here. Bloom is waiting for me. I want to see Bloom." Sky frantically tries to swim upwards but is quickly overtaken by the water. The girls enter the cave and see Sky floating towards the ground. Bloom: "Hold on please!" Bloom makes a bubble around Sky. Bloom: "I'm getting you out of here." The girls break out of the cave (Literally) with Sky. Bloom then lays Sky on the floor. Bloom: "Please Sky, breathe. Huh! He's cold. My magic dragon flame will warm him up." Bloom warms Sky up with her magic. Sky starts waking up. Sky: "Bloom? Is that really you?" Bloom: "Oh. Sky. Sky! Your safe." Bloom and Sky hug. Tecna: "You gave us a good scare." Bloom: "I'm so happy you're fine. I couldn't leave without you." Sky: "Oh, well neither could I. Literally." Bloom: "What are you doing here? You weren't supposed to follow us to Dyamond." Sky: "I wanted to be with you, Bloom." Bloom: "That is not a reason to-" Sky: "Come on Bloom. We never get to spend any time together." Bloom: "Your right, Sky. There is no time to talk now. Tell us what happened." Sky: "Okay. When I landed I found this fox." Flora: "A white fox cub?" Sky: "Yes Flora, and after that Ice attacked me." Y/n: "Of course he did. I don't blame him." Flora: "Y/n!" Y/n: "What, wouldn't you attack someone you don't trust if they grabbed your little sister?" Flora: "It's a fox club. Not a kid!" Y/n: "Whatever." Y/n leaves to find the white fox cub. Bloom: "We know the rest of the story. Now stay safe. We'll take care of the Trix." Sky: "I can't just sit here and watch!" Bloom: "You're still too weak, and the fight against the Trix won't be easy." Sky: "So you're leaving me here?" Bloom: "Not exactly. Tecna." Tecna: "With great pleasure Bloom." Tecna fixes Sky's suit. Sky: "Thanks Tecna. It's the second time already. I'm starting to like it. Tecna: "Don't get used to it." Bloom: "But you've got to stay at a safe distance, alright?" Sky: "Prince's honor." Bloom giggles.

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