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Y/n's Clothes

Y/n's Clothes

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Narrator: "The Winx put on a special benefit concert to protect Gardenia's beaches. In the prison of Andros, after absorbing toxic pollution, Tritannus has become a monster, who can transform sea creatures into evil mutants, which makes Darcy fall madly in love with him."

~Alfea Central Courtyard~

Faragonda: "Welcome everyone, welcome to Alfea College for fairies and a new year. I see many new faces and some familiar ones too. This year, there is one new fairy that I want everyone to meet. I am happy to introduce Roxy." Roxy: "Hey!" Faragonda: "Roxy is from Earth, where magic was absent for a very long time. But through her courage, magic is back on Earth and she is here at Alfea, thanks to some of your fellow students... The Winx." Students: "Wow." Bloom: "Hey there everybody. We're back." Students: "Wow, great to see you." Fairy #1: "I am so glad you're back." Y/n: *Holding Pepe in one hand and Floyd's leash in the other.* "Good to be back." Fairy #2: "We missed you!" Fairy #3: "It hasn't been the same without you." Bloom: "Aww..." Fairy #4: "I love your outfit. It looks great." Kiko falls to the ground. Bloom: "Hm... Kiko. Hey." She lifts Kiko in her arms. Bloom: "Kiko's back too!" The girls laugh. Alice: "Will you take a picture with us, Stella?" Stella: "Sure." Alice: "You're our favorite Winx. We always wish we were just like you." Stella: "No problem." She changes the three students into her clones. Stella: "Say cheese." Students: "Cheese." Griselda: "Such foolishness." Y/n: "Pepe. Wanna go back to Daddy?" Pepe: "Daddy!" Y/n: "Floyd. Wanna see Ice?" Floyd: "Baa!" Faragonda: "Yes, Griselda, I missed them too." Bloom: "See you later. Bye." Y/n: "Ms. Faragonda? The Trix escaped and has their powers back. They are also working with Tritannus." Faragonda: "Oh no." Y/n: "Well, I'm going to visit Ice later. I'm also bringing Pepe and Floyd." Faragonda: "You two are inseparable." Y/n: "What do you mean?" Faragonda: "You might want to send Ice flowers at night. Much easier to hide at night." Y/n: "You're not mad right?" Faragonda: "You're good for him. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again." Roxy: "Bloom! I can't believe I'm really at Alfea. I'm so nervous." Bloom: "There's nothing to be nervous about." Musa: "You're going to be just fine." Roxy: "Thank you, guys." The Specialists arrive. Musa: "Hey." Flora: "Hi!" Brandon: "Hello ladies." The girls giggle. Stella: "You're such a geek." Brandon: "Happy to see me anyway?" Stella: "You know it." Musa: "Hi." Timmy: "Hello, Tecna." Tecna: "Hello, Timmy." Aisha: "Hmm..." Bloom: "Hey." Aisha: "Where's Sky? He didn't come?" Bloom: "He's been really busy lately. Being Crown prince." Musa: "Riven says Sky's on his way." Riven: "Yeah, he's coming. He was right behind us." Brandon: "In fact, here he comes now." Bloom: "Sky, you made it." Sky: "Sorry I'm late, Bloom." Bloom: "I am just glad you're here." Sky: "Yeah..." Bloom: "Sky, is everything OK?"

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