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Y/n's Clothes:

Y/n's Clothes:

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Narrator: "Flora returned the Pendant of Erakylon to Sky and he regained his memory. Bloom bravely battled a ferocious shark and obtained the Gem of Courage. Now they are ready to become Sirenix fairies."

~Alfea's Simulator Room~

Faragonda: "How are the Winx's training progressing, Griselda?" Griselda: "They're close to achieving complete control of their Harmonix power, Headmistress Faragonda." Winx: "Wooohooo!" Y/n: "We did it!" Faragonda: "Excellent. But I fear that they will need Sirenix to defeat Tritannus. Winx! Convergence formation! Now concentrate! Feel the waters of the Magic Dimension all around you! Experience the presence of the ocean's creatures! They're the vital forces of the waters. Now, unite the ocean's magic with your own!" Aisha: "Whoa!" Musa: "Oh! I can see it!" Faragonda: "Let your magic connect you to the underwater world!" Flora: "Beautiful!" Bloom: "I-I just don't feel it..." Stella: "Bloom?" Bloom: "Sorry guys. Faragonda: That was not like you, Bloom. You must be able to maintain focus to control Sirenix!" Bloom: "I know. But Daphne is still Tritannus' prisoner. I don't know how much more she can take..."

~Tritannus's Lair~

Tritannus: "Give up, Daphne! Your parents are sculptures and you're all doom!" Daphne: "Noooo!" Tritannus: "Tell me how to acquire Sirenix!" Daphne: "My Sirenix powers are protected by the Source of Sirenix in Lake Roccaluce. You will never obtain Sirenix, MONSTER!" Tritannus: "Unless let I destroy the Source. And then I can rip Sirenix right out of you!" Daphne: "Oh no!" Tritannus: "I win, fairy! Darcy!" Ice: "Coming... So?" Daphne: "Grr!!!" Ice: "She talked?" Tritannus: "Yes. I know what to do. And once I get Sirenix, you'll have it, too, beautiful Darcy!" Ice: "Hm! And what do we get, I wonder?" Tritannus: "And we'll rule the Magic Dimension together! Right?" Darcy: "Yes! C'mon you two!" Stormy: "Really???" Ice: *Sighs*

~The Winx's Dorm~

Musa: "We got all three Gems but we still don't have Sirenix!" Stella: "And if we don't figure it all out today, we can kiss our fairy powers goodbye." Bloom: "The Sirenix Book!" Sirenix Book: "Winx, I commend you. You have passed the tests of Self-Confidence, Empathy, and Courage, and won the three Gems. But to complete your quest, you must find the Source of Sirenix. And for that, you must look within yourselves." Bloom: "But... I don't understand!" Musa: "Urg! Man!" Stella: "Hello? Book! Don't hold out on us! We need to know!" The Sirenix Book disappears. Flora: "Now what?" Y/n: "Look inside yourself... Bloom! Where did you get your powers back? Where were you in your dreams?" Bloom: "Lake..." Aisha: "Look like we're headed back to the Magic Archive."

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