Valtor's Mark

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Y/n's Clothes:

Y/n's Clothes:

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Narrator: "From the prison in the Omega Dimension, the Trix escape with Valtor, spreading terror in Andros. Layla is worried and must reach the planet where she was born."


The sea is rough and a murky yellow color and it is raining. Two mermaids surface, one supporting the other. Mermaid 1: "Hang in there, Selena. We can make it! I know we can make it." A wave washes over them and they go under, but surface again quickly. Mermaid 1: "Don't worry, I won't leave you." She turns around. Mermaid 1: "No matter...what? Oh no!" A giant wave is coming toward them, and the mermaids cling to each other. Suddenly though, a Morphix shield appears and the wave doesn't hit them. They smile and we see Layla in the sky. Mermaid 1: "Princess Layla!" Layla winks at them and lifts them out of the water on the Morphix shield. A ship flies overhead and soldiers come to take the mermaids. Layla: "You guys, take care of these mermaids. I'm going back to see if there are others." She flies away. Layla: "Something's happening in the sea of Andros. Something dark, something terrible."

~Oceans of Andros~

A mermaid monster swims by, and three unaffected mermaids are trying to protect themselves from the monsters. Corelia: "Please, sisters! Don't hurt us! Let us go!" Mermaid 2: "Corelia, they don't hear us anymore. They're not themselves. Something's changed them." Valtor: "Not something, mermaid. But rather Someone's changed them. And that someone is me, Valtor. They wear my mark. It means that they belong to me, and now you too will be mine." Valtor brands his mark on the three mermaids, and they are turned into monsters. Valtor: "Yes." Stormy: "Very impressive." Ice: "Way to go. Way to give those goody-goody mermaids what they deserved." The four of them begin to walk away. Stormy: "First you busted out of the Omega Dimension, then you turned Andros into your playground, and now you found the interdimensional portal? Neat." She falters, looking embarrassed. Ice and Darcy frown at her. Stormy: "The two of us, well I mean the four of us are going to go far." Valtor: "Yes, farther than you could ever imagine." They reach a portal. Valtor: "But we must not rush into things. I've waited long enough for this. I can wait a little while longer. The prison made me weak, but once I regained my power I'll be strong enough to conquer the whole universe. A universe where we'll be able to reach every dimension through this magic portal." Ice: "Darcy." *Pull her aside." Ice: "Y/n is having panic attacks. Can you check on her a few times for me?" Darcy: "Of course." Valtor raises two fingers and the image of all the planets appears around him. Valtor: "One by one, these kingdoms will fall and I will absorb their magic power. I'll become the supreme master of all living things! Across the universe, my mark will spread and the reign of Valtor will come to me!" Stormy: "Valtor, you're already mega-powerful." Ice: "Darcy, seems like Y/n took your advice to heart." Darcy: "Hmm?" Ice: "Her hair is blue now." Darcy: "Finally!" Valtor: "It's not enough! To regain full power, I need the magic of the kingdom of the sun, and lucky for me, the sun always shines on Solaria." He walks through the portal and moves off through it.

Sky's Little Sister- Rewrite (Editing to make easier to read)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara