Chapter 24: Suit Up

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Your hand was over your mouth in an instant, feeling so happy you could honestly have teared up. You saw Thor's head perk up a little higher from Loki's shoulder, and you realized he had seen you. Dropping your hand down to your side, you tried to play it cool as the brothers walked towards you together. Thor leaned in to say something to Loki, and he nodded as he replied.

"An honor to meet you, Lady Wren," Thor said when they reached you, bowing his head slightly, "I'm told you've heard of me." Thor's big smile never left his face, and you couldn't help but laugh at his bragging tone and adorable nature.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" you shrieked, not caring to inflate his ego. Thor deserved it. "I can't believe I get to meet you...or that you're real."

"Yes, Heimdall has told me of your situation. So, am I really on one of those television boxes in your world?" he asked eagerly.

"Oh yeah, I've seen a lot of your story since the day of your coronation...well, almost coronation...before Loki did what Loki does best," you answered with a smile.

"Ah yes, my brother never fails to make a scene," Thor laughed, putting his hand up on his face between himself and Loki, "Bit of an attention hog that one, but that's little brothers for you, eh?"

Loki rolled his eyes and folded his arms, not loving how much attention Thor was getting or how he was talking about him.

"I've also been informed that you can see the future, or some mystical magicness stuff?"

"In my universe your stories are just farther along, because it's six years ahead," you explained, "So, I've seen what happens in later movies, yes."

"Does he really die, like for real, and I mean dead dead?" Thor asked, "Because dying is one of his favorite pastimes." He patted Loki on the back, rather firmly, and you noticed there were a bit of hurt feelings on Thor's part.

"Yeah, no, it's for real. And it's not a pretty sight."

"It's not his fault, I always was the one with the looks," Thor chuckled, saying everything in the very animated way Thor always does.

"Yeah, what's with the kind of weasley greasy look?" you teased Loki.

Thor laughed, patting your shoulder. "I like this one," he said to his brother.

"I'm thrilled for you," Loki said in a bored tone.

"He's just jealous that there's another Asgardian here to steal some of the spotlight," you whispered loudly, as the three of you walked back to the compound.

"Oh I know," Thor whispered back equally as loud, "One time when we were kids, one of our lady friends from the palace was spending her time with me, obviously, so Loki proceeded to turn her hair into snakes. Then he locked himself in his room and wouldn't come out until I threatened to get Father."

"Oooooo, sounds like someone had a childhood crush!" you laughed, raising your eyebrows up and down at Loki.

"I was ten," he said in defense.

"And no less wiser in the art of wooing a lady," Thor pointed out.

"Thor, I think you and I are going to get along," you smirked.

"I agree, Lady Wren. Anyone who messes with Loki like that is a friend of mine already."

"In that case, cut the 'Lady' from my name. Otherwise I'll feel worse when I act quite unlady-like, and annoying Loki is far too enjoyable to stop."

"That's what I always told Mother!" he exclaimed.

"I thought Loki was the problem child?"

"Well...I may have instigated a few minor times."

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