Chapter 53: Glorious Purpose

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Notes: ok...last and final chapter! I can't believe we're here already, but thank you for coming along with me! I wrote this on my phone, so once again let me know of any errors. Also, I went through and added stuff a bunch of times, so if something didn't save correctly and whole chunks seem to be missing, let me know! I'm sorry it was late again, but it's the last one so I took my time. I could have split it into two if I wanted to rush and get something posted on time, but I didn't want to do that. It's the last chapter, so it deserves to be long. And it is. It's the longest chapter I've written. Seems like a fitting way to send it off. Thanks again for everything and enjoy!

"Lokiiii!" you shouted, hearing your own screams drowned out by the humming that filled your ears, the darkness that consumed you.

You felt the brief weightlessness, the stomach drop as if free-falling, before your heel hit something solid. Although feeling like you were falling, you'd exited through another vertical portal, so you were now being shot backwards. You tried planting your heels in the dirt, but failed. Your back hit the ground as you somersaulted backwards, skidding to a stop on your stomach.

Too many things were happening at once that your brain didn't know what to focus on. The trick of Loki's? His kiss? How you'd just felt like a world was torn from you? Or the fact that, as you lifted your head, there was that old fence? You remained on the ground turning your head back to the portal.

There it was, nearly the same place as it had been all those months ago. Here you were, like time had reset. Without a sound, your bags dropped through the portal, landing a few feet in front of you.

Before you knew what you were doing you were on your feet. As if knowing your intent, the energy disappeared, closing in on itself until nothing remained.

You stood staring at the emptiness, not knowing what to do...what to think, how to feel. The shock, and overwhelming flood of emotions you'd just experienced in less than thirty seconds, had stopped your tears.

He Sylvied me, was all you were able to think.

And, just like Loki after Sylvie's actions, you didn't know what else to do besides sit on the porch and zone out. You thought of how you'd had, for the shortest of times, everything. Of how, despite wanting to be furious at him, you knew exactly why he'd done it. What he'd say to defend himself. Unlike Sylvie, he hadn't done it for himself. He'd done it for you. And you wanted to hate him for it, but all you could do was close your eyes as one tear decided to make itself known.


Your heart stopped at the voice, but you didn't whip around to see. Your reaction time was either down or the surprise of hearing her voice left you stunned, but you turned yourself slowly around. With wide eyes you saw her there. Your mom.

She was as surprised as you were, looking around as if wondering where you'd come from and taking in the bags on the lawn with complete puzzlement.

"Honey?" she repeated again, stepping out the door, a smile on her face and tears of relief starting to form.

You smiled back, a mixture of happiness, grief, and complete exhaustion released in the new stream of tears.

"Mama," you cried like a baby standing and running into her arms.

"Shhhh, it's ok," she tried comforting you, crying her own tears, "Baby, where have you been? You scared me to death, I thought you were gone!"

"I'm here, I'm here mom," you sniffled, not letting go of the embrace.

"Five days," she wimperd, "Five days without a word. Nothing but that letter. What happened, where were you?"

You'd pulled back quickly as she spoke, eyebrows raised as your mouth began to drop.

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