Chapter 42: [Insert Another Title I'm Too Tired To Think Of]

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Notes: I hope everything that is meant to be bold actually posts that way. Sometimes it randomly doesn't post right and I have to go back in and fix it. Also the app says this chapter had 13622 words...but the website says 12990-ish...both copies look like they have everything tho. Let me know if whole chunks seem removed, idk why there's a discrepancy. 

"Good morning," Zemo smiled from where he sat at the little kitchen table, laptop in front of him and cup of coffee in hand.

You smiled back your greeting, walking to the fridge. Opening the door, you were surprised to find a re-stocked supply. You tapped on the door to get Zemo's attention as you held up a new gallon of milk and inquired about it with your look.

"Oeznik stopped by," Zemo answered, "We can't last on one refrigerator's worth of food for forever."

You nodded, next motioning to ask if he'd eaten anything yet.

"No, but Oeznik brought some muffins from a particularly delightful bakery," he replied, standing to go grab the box from one of the cupboards, "I recommend the banana nut, but that is just my preference."

You grabbed two plates, meeting him at the table. He offered the banana nut and you nodded, heading back to get a cup. 

"No, thank you, my coffee will be fine," Zemo said when you checked to see if he wanted any orange juice.

"Oh, I also had this brought over for you," he said, pulling something from a bag at his feet, "So you don't have to deplete the world's paper resources in order to insult me."

He placed a dry-erase board on the table, one about the size of a normal piece of paper. You grinned as you took it, popping the cap off of the attached marker.

I hope you bought backup markers?

"When don't I plan ahead?" he chuckled, reaching down to pull out a large pack of markers...a very large pack.

I'm not sure if I should be insulted

"Well, in a short amount of time, you've become proficient in communicating without speaking or writing. But we both love the sound of our own voices, I'm afraid. Or, in your case, the look of your own handwriting. I suppose I should have known what I was getting myself into, taking a voice away from someone with your..." he looked around with a smirk, trying to think of a polite way to put it, ""

You fussed in your own silent way at that, and he laughed some more.

So how often is Butler Boy supposed to come?

"Once a week, unless I call him for something in particular."

How has it been a week already?

"Time flies when you're glued to action movies."

Not my fault there were some great marathons on TV this week

He hummed and sipped his coffee, continuing to read whatever was on his computer screen.

Come on, you like them. What happened to that awesome thing you once said about liking movies?

"I stand by what I said, and I do enjoy them. Staring at that screen for too long will rot your brain though."

Yes, father

"If I were your father, I'd say to get your elbows off the table when you eat."

You pointed out his own elbows.

"My house," he shrugged.

That's such a dad thing to say

"I fit the part well once, believe it or not."

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