Chapter 30: Sakaar

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Notes: First, sorry this is a little later than I wanted to post. I consumed my writing time by going to my brother's basketball games the last two nights. Second, thank you to everyone who has read thus far! I started this for fun, and didn't think I'd keep going to 30 chapters. I have so many ideas for where I want this to go and how I want this to end, but I don't want to rush it. So, sorry if the story gets too long for you. I hope you continue to enjoy it if you stick around! And thanks again to those who've been keeping up and for all of you who've left such kind comments and feedback! (Oh, also, I haven't proof read this as much as I usually do, so sorry for any more frequent mistakes)

"Ok," you said to the table of heroes in front of you, "We'll start with what I know of Sakaar."

After deeming Bruce the next step in your series of missions, the group had adjourned to the table in preparation for the lectures and plans that were to commence. Now, you stood at the head of the table, ready to explain all you knew of Sakaar.

"It's basically the worst place. It's a planet surrounded by cosmic gateways, so trash and people and everything basically gets flushed down the universe's toilet into this place. The man in charge, called the Grandmaster, runs the Contest of Champions, where people and creatures unwillingly fight like gladiators for his amusement and that of his subjects. The prisoners who fight in the arena are either there as punishment or they were captured upon their unfortunate arrival. That's where Bruce is. He's still the Hulk, and he's currently the Grandmaster's beloved champion. And I'm not gonna lie, he's loving it."

Nat's face was hard to read.

"So, he doesn't want to leave?" she asked.

"Well, Thor tries to convince him, but Hulk says that Earth hates him. You see, the Hulk side of Banner is evolving as well. Bruce usually has a hand on the wheel, but this time Hulk is in charge. There's part of him that misses everyone though, because when Thor goes to leave, Bruce follows while yelling 'Friend stay!'"

"How touching," Loki said dryly. 

"You're just cranky cuz you're scared of the Hulk," you shot at him.

"I most certainly am not afraid of that green oaf," Loki defended as the others smiled.

"Your face when it's revealed he's the Grandmaster's champion would beg to differ. Remember what I showed you? You literally tried to run away."

"I don't recall that."

"So I'm just imagining something from my favorite Marvel movie that I can quote?"

"You looked more than a little beat up when we found you in Avengers Tower," Clint said, enjoying the God's embarrassment.

"It's ok to be afraid Loki, we can't all defeat the Hulk single handedly," Thor laughed.

"At least I'm not the one who get's caught by junkers. Guess where I am during your fight? Sitting comfortably up in the Grandmaster's box."

"Cuz you're a cowering snake?" Nat asked.

"Because I know the art of biding my time and tricking those less intelligent, Romanoff."

"Sounds like the same thing," Bucky chimed.

"Wait wait, how did I get caught? I would never get caught," Thor assured everyone, as if they were as worried as he was by the news.

"Valkyrie gets you."

"A Valkyrie!" Thor exclaimed, "I used to want to be a Valkyrie when I was younger, until---"

"You found out they're all women."

"Exactly! I quite enjoy having someone around to finish my thoughts, it's much easier when someone speaks for you."

"How did this Valkyrie survive?" Loki asked.

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