Getting The Gear

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I headed into my room and put the book onto the desk, I was filled with mixed feelings some were happy and excited others were regret and sadness. I slipped my phone out of my pocket and typed to the lads "To: Con Da Bon, KiKi, Rickster, Trev, Cloudï and Sammers: lads I'm going out to get the kit be back soon 😊 Jess x" I pressed send and got up i was heading to the door trying not to get seen lucky I didn't get caught. I sat in my car buckled up I got my phone out and put the satnav on to guide me to the shop I shuffled about till I was comfy then I started the ignition. I finally at the music shop I unbuckled my belt and headed inside.
I was greeted by non other than a loud racket, I looked over and saw Josh Devine the drummer of one direction butterflies filled my belly, I looked at the guitars heading away from him since I became nervous I looked at the range of colours and all the types, then I heard a voice behind me say "Creating a band or is it just for you?" I looked over my shoulder and I saw josh peering over it I turned to him trying ever so hard not to blush and said "I making a band with some youtubers any tips?" He laughed a little sister and said "well you need to pick a type of sound first do you want to be pop, rock, top 40 sound" I said I don't know I pulled the paper which had everything on and handed it to him, Josh read through it and said I know the exact stuff you need he started picking things up and in the back of my mind I had a feeling he knew the lads he came over to me and said "everything that's on that counter you need" I smiled I was about to pay for it when Josh tapped his card on to the machine he said " don't worry about it I wanted to pay" I smiled he then asked "can we change numbers so I can pop by when you need help?" His British accent was so strong I said sure and handed him my phone.
I managed to fit most of the gear in my car but the drum kit was too big then I looked over and saw Josh packing it in his i questions "what you doing? I was going to make 2 trips" he laughed "no need and I have a car designed to carry my kit and I will follow you" we got in our cars and head to the o2l house which wasn't that far away.
We finally made it back as I stepped out I could hear everyone making a racket I apologised to Josh saying "sorry for the noise you sort of get used to it" he smiles "I know coping with 5 or 9 rowdy lads on a tour bus going around the world surprised that hasn't made me go crazy yet!" I smiled and said "come in I show you who the lads are...j

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