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  • Dedicated to Torry Faulkner

Well I was packed and ready to go, I had a medium sized case I would of got it moved my self but yh... I'm still on crouches I headed downstairs like i normally do I've gotten used to hopping up and down the stairs, I walked in to the kitchen and saw Sam and Kian fighting over a box of cereal they didn't notice me even when I moved my crouches made a sound, I said "boys behave are you going to be like this on tour?" they let go of the box at the same time making the box hit the floor and a causing a giant mess they pointed at each other and said "he did it!" I said "I don't care who started it but I'm finishing it" I went to the cupboard and grabbed the bread and then searched high and low for Nutella it got to the point where I screamed "CONNOR FRANTA WHERE'S THE FLIPPING NUTELLA!!" he walked in and said "not telling you!" I said "fine I will just take your iPhone" he realized it was on charge next to me I picked it up and said "now where's the Nutella?" he said "above the cupboard! now please give me my phone" I looked up and there it was I gave him his phone back i sat on the sideboard and reached it was inches away from me then i saw a hand reach up and grab it I said "heyy I want that" then I looked it was Kian he said "well Con wasn't going to help you so I should" he handed it to me and said "here you go and don't worry about the mess me and Sam will clear it up."

We all piled out of the door we all had our luggage, Trevor said "anytime... now!" then as he said that a tour bus pulled up it was bright blue with the DigiFest 2015 logo on it it looked amazing. They all got on and I got support from Jc and Connor, I couldn't believe it I have been dreaming of going to DigiFest since I was little now I'm actually going to be part of it, as we arrived we got shown where to go as we got in to the room where we was going to do rehearsals the room was packed with youtubers, viners it was a dream come true I saw Tyler Oakley, Marcus Butler, Zoella, Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Matt Espinosa then I saw one of my old best friends I was like no way that's Ria I went over to her and said sarcastically said "what are you doing at an event like this?" she turned around and reconized it was me she said "Jess? no way and I'm here for Digi" i said "yes it's me and same, Trevor told the Digi managers that I could sing" she said "oh cool and what happened to your leg?" I said "pennyboarding got my footing wrong and sort of sprained my ankle badly" she said "Ooo sounds nasty" I said "yup it is also i'm stuck on these for a good 6 weeks so pretty much the whole of Digi" we had a long conversation talking about or channels and how we are doing, then Connor came over and said "it's your turn on stage" I nodded and said "I'm sorry Ria but I have to go I will be back soon" she hugged me and said "cya trouble" I smiled and followed Connor to where he was a few moments ago, the Digi team helped me out a lot i got given a mic and I saw camera scattered everywhere I guess they needed to get the right viewing angle. I decided to sing Without You (the David Guetta and Labrinth) lucky they had it on the system so I sat on the stool they had got me and started the song. I finished and I heard cheering I headed into the room i was in and a saw a screen showing the rehearsal stage, I went to talk to Ria but Connor stopped me and said "look" I stopped and looked up and saw she was talking to Sam, Kian said "I haven't seen Sam smile like that since his last girlfriend" they looked cute together, well rehearsals were done today so another few days like this then we head out to Birmingham at Iron City for the first tour date (A/N: Tour dates are in the photo link).

The night was going perfectly Ria has made the crowd ready for me and it was nothing i ever imagined I totally rocked the place then to end the show O2L came on and did their dance routine thing (A/N: YouTube link is in the side bar for the dancing all credit to the owner) it was so fun. We all decided to all go on stage and say our final goodbyes before we headed to the buses and do the same again but in a different place and a different crowd I remember some one telling me "If your nights are all the same you're doing it wrong" I smiled and headed to my bunk I had the middle bunk so I could get in and out easily i had Jc the opposite side, Ricky above him and Sam below and on my side we had Connor above me and Kian below and Trevor pretty much slept where he wanted in the next row of bunks i think one bed was for sleeping another was for his bags and the other was just chilling out. Well the first day is done wonder what the rest is going to be like.

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