Back Together

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Jess's POV
I stood in the empty meet & greet hall waiting for Connor I had a few days off since I wasn't needed yet and you're probably wondering how I got in well, when I was filming someone from AKT the company who founded Playlist and District Lines was wanting to sponsor my film, I told them I wanted to go to Playlist when I had time and I'd love for them to sponsor anyway they made a few calls and walla I'm at Playlist.

I heard the door open I saw a dark figure but I could tell it was Connor by his hair then he said "Jess is that you?" I smiled "yeh it's me" we walked closer to each other and he asked "how did you get in" I said "AKT they wanted to sponsor the film and they gave me a pass to be here for a few days" all of a sudden he hugged me I said "Come on you have guests" he said "how did you know that?" I said walking to the door "a little Australian boy with the surname Sivan told me" he said "Troye?" I laughed "yes now come on!"

We made it back to the main stage and continued the celebration, I met up with the boys and met some other youtubers who I knew like Zoe, Justine, Joey, Troye and many others I met loads of new people who I knew but didn't fully recognise one was Tom he's the guy who creates all the awesome Asdf Movies on his channel Tomska. I don't remember what time it was but everyone slowly started to leave then we cleared up and headed back since I was technically staying for the duration of playlist I got given a room I headed to my room and flopped onto the double bed not wanting to move but I knew I had to I changed into my pyjamas which were 3/4 leopard print bottoms and a vest top a cupcake and cross bones I gripped the curtains and pulled them across darkling the room now I could finally go to sleep I sent a text to the boys before I snuggled down "To: Cloudï, Ki, Trev, Sammers, Rickster and Con Da Bon: Night boys had a great night cya tomorrow :) Jess x" I pressed send and my phone did the usual swoop as it sent the message I could heard buzzes and tones going off as I was next door to Connor and Ricky I think, I opened the replies since I had my phone in my hand "To Jessi: Night Sweet dreams :) Rickster" I smiled and read the next one "To Jessica Franta: have a nice sleep :P KiKi" I replied "I will :)" I mentally said "2 down 4 to go" I opened Trevor's which read "To Jess: don't let the bed bugs bite ya ;) Trevy" I laughed I opened Sam's which was short and sweet "To Jessica: night and thanks for being there for me :) Sam" I replied "anytime" I said "2 to go Jc and Con" I opened Connor's his message said "To my evil sister: thanks for today it was amazing for you to be here, see you bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow. night sis :) Con x" I smiled and replied sarcastically "Con you know me I won't be bright eyed and bushy tailed I like my sleep" now finally Jc he said "To the girl I forever love: Jess I know we haven't spent much time together since we have both been so busy but that doesn't mean I don't think or miss you its killing me when your in the uk I feel like I need to be by your side, Love you Boo please be back soon this stay isn't long enough. Cloud x" I replied "Jc I know how you feel and I know this stay isn't long enough but trust me when I say a few weeks and I will be back home I promised and I love you too" at that I closed my phone off putting it on charge and snugged into my quilt and drifted off to sleep.

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