Birthday At Vidcon

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I was nicely sleeping till I felt silly string being sprayed in my face I woke up and sat up and saw the boys in my room and Connor holding the can of silly string, they all had presents in their hands before I could say anything they shouted "Happy Birthday Jess!!" then Kian did his usual high pitched squeal thing I laughed let's just say Kian was being himself. Ricky gave me his present first I opened it to see a tripod I was a bit confused even though I had one, then Kian gave me his present and it was some camera lenses I was questioning myself so much, Trevor gave me his present which was the camera not just any camera but a Nikon D3200 (similar to what the boys use for their videos) I smiled and hugged them then Sam gave me a jersey that said "J.Franta" and with the number 1 on the back I put it on and it fit perfectly Connor was next and he said "ok so it's not a actual present but here" he handed me an envelope I opened it an I saw tickets Minnesota I said "omg no way Con!" he said "I thought you wanted to see family" I gave him a hug and we headed out to breakfast as I was about to leave Jc said "Jess I need to give you your present" he sat me on my bed and he said "close your eyes" i did what I was told and closed them then I felt my hair being moved and a cold chain being put around my neck he said "now open" I blinked open to see a beautiful necklace around my neck i couldn't believe it i gave him a kiss and then we heard the rest of the boys saying "ughh" we smiled and pulled apart, we headed down to breakfast and I couldn't stop touching the chain it was so beautiful. it was nearing the time to my main stage performance the lads are all ready on stage I'm backstage getting ready or so I thought I heard "Jess Franta to the stage" so I did as I was told and headed to to stage as I came from behind the screen the crown shouted "Happy Birthday Jess!!" I couldn't believe it I said "thanks everyone" I turned towards the boys and said "thank guys I mean it" they all smiled then Connor took my mic off me I was confused them Jc came next to me and said "round 2?" I didn't know what he was talking about till he swept me off my feet and kissed me I could hear the crowd get louder and louder but it became muffled the minutes felt like hours it was amazing. We broke apart and Sam said "the stage is all yours" the boys started to leave but I quickly said "guys don't go please stay I want you here" they smiled and went off stage then came back on whist they were sorting themselves our I said to the crowd "what's up Vidcon!?..." The crowd cheered then I continued "I'm Jess Franta, yes me and trouble over there (I pointed at Connor he just smiled) are siblings also it's my 18th birthday today, so with out me talking anymore I'm going to sing Superhero by the script you may know it if ya do sing along with me" I put my inears in so I could hear the music then looked to the side and gave the nod. "All the life she has seen, All the meaner side of me, They took away the prophet's dream for a profit on the street...

When you've been fighting for it all your life

You've been struggling to make things right

That's how a superhero learns to fly

Every day, every hour

Turn the pain into power.." at this point I had the crowd singing and using torches as lights and waving them side to side I glanced over at the boys and they had their phones and vlogging cameras out filming me, it felt amazing I finished the song and everyone was cheering then I thought I could do another song I ran to the side see if I could do it and they said I could so I went back to the middle of the stage and said "okay for my second song it's more upbeat and Ricky did a cover of it but it was unseen so here's Look At Me by Charlie Puth" the boys danced and so did everyone else it was so fun. I finished and took a bow as I did the boys ran at me and covered me in cream I guess called a birthday surprise I went off stage I grabbed a towel and tried to get as much cream off as possible, I heard someone say "omg gurl let me help you" I looked up and saw Tyler I smiled and handed him the towel he said "now who made you into a creamy mess?" I laughed and said "I give ya one guess and one of the people who did this is my brother" he smiled and said "o2l? my boys?" I nodded and said "Yass!" We both burst out laughing, I was about to head to my room when I said "Tyler want to come to my room? I got goodies" he said "sure, why wouldn't I" we headed to my room and on the way I got a text from Trevor "hi Jess dress in something nice and meet us in the hallway at 6pm -Trev" I showed Tyler the message and he put his hands together and said "time to put my styling knowledge to work" we made it and I showed Tyler all my clothes he went through them all and finally decided on a two tone dress which went from white to a peachy colour with my denim jacket over the top then he found my white vans it was about 5pm so I got changed into it and then Tyler said "I'm going to get someone to do your hair, no peaking" I smiled. He returned with Jenn behind him I guessed that he already told her what style he grabbed a towel and covered my eyes it must of took 45mins then Jenn finally said "almost there and...done" Tyler was talking so I guess he was vlogging and waiting for my reaction he said "ready?" I said "Yh I'm ready" he took the towel away and it was beautiful it was a loose fish tail plat but it looked amazing also she had tangled my long fringe into it I thanked both of them I had time to do my makeup with Jenn's help too then it was time I grabbed my bag and headed out to see Jc dressed smart but casual I saw Tyler and Jenn go I guess they needed to get ready too, Jc said "you look beautiful" I said "so do you so what's this all about you know I like my slacks and comfy stuff" he chucked and said "all will be revealed soon I promise" then he said "you can't know where we are going so let me put this blindfold on you" I was nervous but I knew Jc wouldn't hurt me, he put it over my eyes checked I couldn't see which I couldn't and he held my hand leading me to the place.

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