Starbucks, Fans and Music

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We walked out of the house and grabbed out penny boards from the garage and made our way to Starbucks which was a few blocks away, as you may know me and Connor get a bit competitive so we had a little race who could get to Starbucks first, we also agreed that who ever came last has to do a forfeit what the winner chooses. We both shuck hands and said "3..2..1..Go!" we both pushed of since we was at the top of a little hill I got some speed up then got ahead but Connor started to catch up I wasn't going to loose to my brother! I could see Starbucks the finish in sight I could hear Connor shouting from behind me I stopped my board picked it up and ran since I was faster i heard Connor shout "Cheater!" I just laughed and carried on I reached Starbucks he said after he caught up "well since you cheated I think we both have to do the forfeit" I said "alright but I won't be going easy on you" he said "I wasn't planning to either" I stuck my tongue out and headed inside. We queued up since it was a bit busy but not much i finally reached the counter and they asked for my name or a name I wanted to I said "Jessie" they said it will be done soon I smiled and said "thanks" Connor ordered his and then joined me.

We got our drinks and headed outside to drink them as we did we bumped into a few people well fans who have watched both of our videos we told them not to tell anyone we was home since we wanted to chill out, they agreed we took some photos and signed some stuff for them it was cool just have a reaction like that, me and Connor had a chat to the girls and they said that they came to the DigiFest tour in Chicago but they couldn't make it to Vidcon so to them it was amazing to see us. We talked for a bit longer then they had to go we headed home and I went to my room I found my old golden brown guitar under my bed I hadn't played in ages I played a few notes then I decided to play a song a tweet popped up it was Shawn Mendes I thought why don't I play his new song Show You I shouted "Connor!" he came running in I said "by any chance do you have Shawn's number?" he said "Mendes?" I nodded "Yh I need to ask him something" he said "Yh I do here" he tossed his phone to me and I put to him "hi Shawn, it's Jessica Connors sister sorry to bother you but can I have the chords you use for you new song Show You I want to see if I can play it. Thanks x" I sent it and soon I got a reply "Hi Jess I know who you are don't worry and sure I will send them to Connor's email for you" I sent back "thanks x" I gave Connor his phone back and explained about the email he printed it off and I started to play, it felt like i hadn't left home. I finished the song and I heard "well looks like my sister has her musical side back" I said "Yh I guess but Connor how am I going to cope having you know what" he sat next to me and said "your not the only one who has it you know, Kian has it too and he deals with it Yh some days he may feel down but then other days he's hyper as hell and starts to break things but his escape is videos, music and doing things he loves. you just have to find your escape and I think you've found some all ready" I said "I haven't I know that for sure" he said "oh really" he lifted a drawing up with a girl with a beanie and the music chords what he just printed out he said "drawing, singing and music in general is your escape Jess you just don't realise it" he put his arm around me I said "Yh I guess but how do I tell the rest of the boys?" he said "you will know but the best advice I can give is tell them one by one they will understand better" I said "thanks Con" he kissed me on the forehead "it's alright it's what brothers do I guess" he left and I laid on my bed thinking about stuff that was on my mind like Kian having the same problem as me, Connor being there for me, Jc my loving boyfriend, Sam and Ricky being crazy mofo's and Trevor singing his heart out. I was part of the O2L family and nothing was going to change that anytime soon but one problem was telling the rest of the boys what I have to deal with I know it will be easier to tell Kian since he knows about it well from his experience. I heard someone say "Food!" I got up and I think I heard Connor run past my door lets just say he isn't light footed pretty much Boom Boom Boom as he made his way to the table. I followed him and sat in the seat beside him we was having a Roast Dinner it was so nice I never realised till now that I missed mum's cooking I finished and put my plate in the dishwasher and headed into my room, I pulled out my phone and put my headphones in and closed my eyes, listening to a range of music then I felt some one tap me my eyes shot open and I took a earpiece out Connor said "suit up we are going to the woods" then he left I did as he said I grabbed my old outdoor gear and put it on, I glanced outside seeing it was turing to dusk I was ready I grabbed my flashlights my hand held one and my head one too I stepped out of my room and he smiled and said "let's go for a adventure" I smiled and said "just like old times"

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