Goodbye LA, Hello Minnesota

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(a/n: okay everyone I'm going to put point of views in since Jess will be in Minnesota and it's amazing how I have got 2.64K of reads thanks soo much)

Kian's Pov

So Jess had asked me earlier today if I wanted to help her get flights back to Minnesota so I found some and it was for early morning tomorrow I could tell the arguments between Sam and Jc were getting to her. when we got given out drinks from Connor I remembered the letter as he left I pulled it out of the draw and put it in my jacket pocket the time was nearing for her to leave.

Jess's pov

I wasn't feeling like my usual self I didn't want much to eat but I had to have something I ate a bit but then left the rest I headed upstairs and changed into comfy clothes I heard Kian at my door and he said "ready to go?" I grabbed my bag and said "I guess" I slipped out of the back door and went around to the front whilst Kian went through the front door and said something along the lines of "guys I'm going out" I had the keys since I was out first I unlocked the car and sat in the passengers seat a few seconds later Kian arrived and sat in the drivers seat. next stop LAX airport!

We arrived at the airport at 11:55pm I hugged Kian and said "as soon as I am through checking and heading to the security gates you can go and please give the letter to Connor, he pulled me into a hug he said "going to miss you, you little bundle of happyness" I replied "and I will miss you my destructive tower" he laughed we pulled apart he headed to the trunk and got my case he said "have a safe flight see you in a few weeks" I nodded and headed inside.

Kian's pov

So I had just dropped Jess off at the airport, as she got out of sight I got back in my car and headed back home. As I got back I put my car in the driveway next to Ricky's I walked in to see the argument still happening I headed up stairs to Connor's room to give him the letter, I made my way to his room it was open slightly but I still knocked he said "come in" i walked in and said "Con I need to give you this"

Connor's pov

I was in my room editing listening to the clips carefully making sure everything was right I just took my headphones off since I was importing music as the computer was working it's magic I heard a knock on my door I said "come in" it was Kian and he look sort of sad he said "Con I need to give you this" he handed me a envelope with my name on he said "I'm going to leave you alone I will be in my room" I opened the envelope and pulled out the letter a key dropped out and on to my lap when I was pulling the paper out I unfolded the letter and it read "Con, I've left I'm probably on my flight back to Minnesota. I left because I was sick of all the arguments that was caused Kian helped me pack and took me to the airport I told him not to tell you since I had to go alone I'm sorry guys but I will be back in 2 weeks hopefully everything will be back to normal. Cya soon Con -Jess x" I didn't know what to think or what emotion to have my sister has gone back home I then realised she left because of the arguing I got up my chair went flying into the side of my bed but I didn't care right now I headed down stairs annoyed and angry I saw Jc and Sam in the kitchen Jc said "where's Jess Con?" I didn't say anything but slammed the letter down on the sideboard and said walking away "there's your answer!" I headed up to Jess's room I unlocked the door and stepped in I saw the computer power light shinning meaning it was on I turned the screen on to see a video and the Internet open I saw the email about her flight, I then opened the video it was Jess she said "well I guess you got the letter from Kian, I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye but it was the only way I could go without you or Jc stopping me. see you in a few weeks Con Da Bon love you bro" and the video ended with her switching the camera off. What have I done!! Just then Jc knocked on the door he said "Con let me in we need to talk" I shouted with tears ready to burst "there's nothing to talk about, my sister has gone home and it my fault!"

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