Finding out

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Jc's POV
We was heading home back from chipotle Jess was in the front with me and Kian in the back spread out across the seats we set off, as we drove back along the way we kept exchanging looks and smiles. We made it home and Jess headed up to Sam's room all of a sudden we heard shouting and screaming me and Connor headed up to see what it was about.

Jess's POV
I got Sam's order it was a chicken burrito thing and some chips with salsa sauce I was clueless so I let Jc choose his meal and I just paid. We headed home with complaining Kian in the back and me and Jc in the front we kept looking and smiling at each other every so often since he was driving. I could see the familiar house come into view I said "almost home" as we pulled into the driveway I could see Sam's light on in his room, I took my belt off and carried the food into the house whilst the lads began taking their shoes and coats off I headed upstairs I got to his room and knocked I said "Sam? It's Jess I've got your order from chipotle" he said in a sad tone "come in" I placed his food on his desk and said "Sam? What's wrong?" He started to get angry "What's wrong? WHAT'S WRONG!? IS THAT WHEN YOU PROMISE THE WHOLE FAMILY OF GOING TO PLAYLIST THEN YOU'RE JETTING OFF TO BE IN A FILM!!" I raised my voice "HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT!!.." I tried to calm down a bit "Look, I was trying to reschedule it so I could be with you!" He said "Didn't look like that to me! When was you going to tell us when you wasn't coming with us" I getting angered "SAM! Just leave it!!" Then Jc and Connor came running in, at that I walked out of his room locking myself in my own room I heard a knock then a voice "Jess let me in" it was Connor how was I going to tell my brother that I have a once in a lifetime opportunity to be in a film or go to the annual playlist and watch the guys perform backstage I heard more knocking I decided to let him in he said "what the hell was that all about" I said closing the door and walking to my computer "when we found out that you guys could perform at Playlist well a few minutes after that email I got another email saying I had a opportunity to be in a film" I sighed then continued "and apparently Sam found out he probably found out my password when we was out anyway he wants me to go to playlist" Connor said in his soothing voice "Jess do what you think is right I don't mind if you go where ever to film this movie thing, playlist happens every year and I'm sure there's a way where you could livestream or Skype whilst we are there to introduce us" I started realising what he had to say he was right I guess I said "don't go mad but the filming is in London and I'm there for a good few weeks if I accept" he said "Jessica Franta do what you think is right!" I said "but what about the boys won't they be mad at me like Sam was?" He said getting up "I don't know but in the long run I'm sure they will understand now I've got to deal with a angry Sam which might take a while" I said "Sorry Con for not telling you or the guys earlier" he said "don't worry about it" I smiled as he left and then my eyes turned back to sadness realising what Sam had said to me.

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