Everything lost

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(Jess's POV till further notice)

I heard voices but I couldn't recognise who they belonged to I opened my eyes blinded by the light it was clueless on where was, 2 boys were sat at both sides of my bed i said "urm where am I and who the hell are you guys?" a guy with a cloud on his wrist said "Jess don't you remember I'm Jc your boyfriend and that's Connor your brother" i looked at the other boy and he looked at me and smiled a little I wish I knew who they were the boy with the cloud or Jc I think he said it was spoke "Jess you are a YouTuber like me and Connor" he lifted his phone up and pressing play on the screen I could see it was me and Connor but I couldn't remember the video ended and the title said "new me" I wish I could remember, as I gave Jc his phone back I saw the door open and 4guys and a girl walk in they introduced them selfs to me one who was really tall and as Jc whispered "destructive" was called Kian, the next guy had bright pinky purple hair he was called Sam, then the 2nd to last guy had a tank top on and a blue bandana in his hair was Ricky, the last guy looked a bit young he was called Trevor, then the girl on the end who I was clueless about was Ria she said "Jess please remember us I don't want to be forgotten you mean too much to me" I said "I won't forget I may have done but not now" the doctor came in and said I could go home in a few hours which was good news.

I was finally out and I guess home I wasn't used to it at all I was in my room laid on my bed flicking through my phone looking at photos hoping I would remember everyone but I couldn't, I heard a knock on my door it was Jc he said "hi how are you?" I said locking my phone and sitting up "I'm alright still confused a bit" he smiled and pulled me into a hug I felt something almost I was remembering we pulled apart and he showed me some more stuff but it was no use at all. We hear someone shout "food!!" we raced downstairs and grabbed it, it was spaghetti tacos it was delicious. I saw Connor finish his tea then start setting up a tripod and camera I said "what ya doing?" he said "it's Monday so I have to film for my channel and the collab channel too" I said "cool I'll leave you to it then" before I left he said "Jess if you can remember when we was growing up I was always ignoring you and even when you are here it happened bit that's going to change, here have this it's yours anyway" he handed me a note pad and I left his room headed to my room and flicked through the pages I read through them then the last one Amnesia brought back a little memory of me and Jc our first kiss on stage I threw the note pad down and ran, slid down the banister to the end and found Jc I said "Jc! IreadthenotepadConnorgavemeandIgotamemory" he said "woah woah woah slow down say it again" I took a breath and said slower "I read the note pad Connor gave me and I got a memory" he said "nice what was the memory?" I said "our first kiss" he didn't say anything just smiled. Was I getting my memory back?

Connor Franta's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now