Woods and LA

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We went to the shed before we went to the woods Connor dug through some stuff and pulled out a bow and a cylinder full of arrows he said "remember this old thing" he handed me the bow and I could remember when I used it all the time, even the scratches and scrapes that had been created by use I said "Yh I do" he said "why don't you tr-" before he finished his sentence I turned around pulled an arrow out and shot it at the fence he said "or you can just try it out like you just did" I laughed "sorry, urm I guess it's instincts when you hear something" he laughed "just don't shoot straight away in the woods use your senses for danger it may just be a small animal that sounds large" I said "I know I will be careful" I pulled the arrow out of the fence and headed out with Connor this was going to be one good night.

We had made it to the wood entrance we walked on to the first path since tree was 4 to choose from we headed in, I loved the woods like I could just escape from all my problems I started to climb a tree and I noticed Connor was on hi phone so I shouted "Oi bro you coming up" he quickly put his phone away like he was trying to hide something he said "uh Yh sure be up there in a minute" I climbed a bit further till I found a branch I could sit on. I could hear Connor finally start to climb up as he reached me he said "budge up let me sit down ya know it's hard to climb trees" I laughed "well to me it isn't, I love it" he pulled me into a hug and said "I miss these times where it's just you and me it's been a while since we've done this" i smiled and said "it's been too long" he said "come on lets go for an adventure" we climbed down and then he said "shoot an arrow" i said "random why?" he said "aim where you think you should fire" i did as i was told i took an arrow out of the cylinder and said "Connor why are you making me do this?" he didin't say anything I heard something ahead i fired the arrow and it disappeared into the distance i quickly pulled another arrow out and was ready Connor finally said "wait don't shoot" i heard footsteps then i saw him, Jc Caylen walking to me i dropped the bow and arrow and ran to him i kept saying "Jc! Jc! Jc!" he held his arms open and i ran straight into him he said "nice shot by the way" we pulled apart and i questioned "wait you saw that?" he said "yh Connor was telling me you was going to be here so i came earlier i just didn't know about the flipping arrow till about 5mins ago" i smiled "sorry Connor's orders" i missed him so much even though its been a few days he said "here your arrow back Miss Evadean" i knew he was using a Hunger Games referrance i smiled and said "thanks Cloudi" he laughed and said "come on we got the rest of the woods to wander"

We made it back home it was about 3am but we didn't mind i was about to head into my room to get some sleep then i heard "Jess you're not sleeping in your bed tonight look outside" i looked out and saw 2 tents set up and a open fire in front with a large log or part of a tree as a bench with Jc sat on it waving me outside. i grabbed my pajamas quicky changed and joined him and Connor outside. i said as we was sat around the fire "I'm having my own tent tonight, you two can cuddle youselves all night im not sharing" they laughed and said "okay then and yours is the left one since we knew you was going to want your own" Connor said "im going to get the marshmallows be back in a min or so" me and Jc said in sync "okay" i cuddled into Jc keeping myself warm i heard my phone bleep i pulled it out of my pocket and it was Connor "Con Da Bon: Time to tell him, you will be ok :)" i replied quickly so i made sure Jc wasn't looking at the conversation "Con i can't not yet i don't feel ready i will tell you when i promise, i will do it when we are back home it doesn't feel right here x" i cuddled back up to Jc he put his arm around me and i saw Connor come bouncing out the house like we didn't just have that little convo he said "theres one bag for trouble.." as he threw it to me "and theres another for Chamclouder" Con pretty much launched it at Jc luckly the bag didn't bust.The marshmallows were really nice i looked on my phone before i went to bed i checked snapchat said goodnight to everyone on there and then headed to bed since we was flying back to LA today well in the afternoon and that was the day i had to tell Jc what i told Connor a few days ago.

I was nice and warm in my sleeping bag and blanket till i heard someone say "Jess time to wake up! Come on its almost Lunch time" i shot up saying "why didn't anyone wake me earlier since we fly in a few hours time!" then i looked at my phone it was 8am i said "very funny guys!" i got up anyway since today was the day we was going back to LA and back to Cali. I went to my room and packed everything i had brought and packed my swim jacket and other little bits. It was finally time to go me and Connor said our goodbyes and headed to the airport with Jc. we checked in and before we knew it we was boarding the plane and heading to the runway this was my second flight but this time I had Jc by my side we linked our hands and watched as the plane took off well LA here we come I defiantly think that going to Minnesota brought me and Connor closer than before I'm so glad it was one of my birthday surprises.

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