New Day

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  • Dedicated to Jc Caylen

Well I knew we arrived somewhere as I heard footsteps and Connor jump out of his bunk above me, i reached for my crouches but they wasn't where i left them so i got up anyway and hopped to the front of the bus and looked out to see that we was at a service station so we could grab some food and have a breath of fresh air. I shouted "wheres my crouches?" then I saw Ricky trying to use them i rolled my eyes and sat in the lounge it was sort of annoying that I couldn't do any sporty stuff or go boarding I pulled out my phone and tweeted "@Jess_Franta: sooo bored hate not being able to do stuff #ideas?" as i finished the tweet I heard someone coming back on the bus it was Jc he was holding my crutches he said "hey urm sorry for acquiring your crutches we all wanted a go really bad" I smiled and said "it sorta sucks when you're on them you can't hardly do anything without support" he said "right then lets do something together" i said "what? he smiled "well its best friend week and I really want to do it with you" i smiled back "okay then lets do it" we headed to the back of the bus he grabbed his camera along the way also making sure I wouldn't fall i sat down and he set up. We was ready he pressed the button and said "what's up o2l....Jc here..wait hang on someone has put a passcode on my phone and its making me go crazy!" I started giggling and made my way into the camera view and as i sat down moving my crouches away i said "its easy" he said to me and the camera "it isn't in fact what would a girl like Jess put as my password comment at the end of this video what you think the password is, so this week on o2l its the best friend tag" It was nearing the end of the video the he said "YEES YES YES YES FINALLY, I FINALLY GOT IT!!" I said my goodbyes to the camera well viewers then i grabbed my crouches he came really close to the camera and said "it was really sweet what Jess put as my password I really want to tell her that..." i didn't hear the rest but i really wanted to find out what he said. I heard everyone getting on i guess we were carrying on with the journey to Atlanta and headed to the hotel near the venue The Tabernacle. It was a good half an hour after we made the video he came out of the back lounge i guess he was editing, I was in my bunk listening to Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons i saw Jc go past me blushing i checked my phone and saw that he had uploaded the video i watched it through it was soo sweet.

The Show I was on stage with O2l and we was having a really fun time then everything suddenly got serious Jc had a mic and so did I, he said down the mic "I have known this girl for a good month now and if anyone has seen my recent video you will understand why since you guys have helped me to do this anyway..." he looked at me and said "Jess I have something to tell you Jessica Franta will you be my girlfriend?" I put my hand over my mouth then took it away and said with tears "yes!!!yes!" he ran over and hugged me, I saw Connor go off stage for a second as he came back on The Fray Hold My Hand started to play (link to the song in the side bar) it was amazing the Jc took me totally by surprise he took my mic off me and gave them both to Ricky and Trevor, he hugged me even though i was on crouches then he kissed me the crowd was going wild the venue pretty much shook. We broke apart and I realized they were practicing when they took my crouches, I grabbed a mic and said "these sneaky lot have been planning all this time but it was the best suprise ever" then Sam shouted with out a mic "Group Hug!!" we was all in one big huddle then everyone started screaming louder because as we broke apart the lads started to go shirtless I mean who wouldn't scream. I was helped off stage and gave Jc one final kiss of our set together and went to find Ria.

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