Birthday surprise

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I have been walking for ages and still had grip on Jc's hand, then he finally said "almost there" I said sarcastically "finally it's so dark in this blindfold ya know" I heard Jc's phone ring and he said "hello..yes she's with everything in place?..ok we are almost there..cya mate bye" I had an idea it was one of the boys, Jc said "well here we are" I heard a door opening and he guided me inside he took me through a few more doors the some steps he said "Happy Birthday Jess" he took the blindfold off and everyone was cheering. Blushed so much and almost burst into tears Connor came up to me on the stage and gave me a hug I said "thanks for the best birthday ever Con" he said "your welcome now come on time to party"we pulled apart as I was heading to the stairs to get off the stage I saw Jc at the bottom I smiled and as I reached the bottom we linked hands and headed to the dance floor then Life Of The Party by Shawn Mandes started playing Jc said "may we dance?" I smiled and held my hand out, he took my hand and everyone made a bid circle around us, we started of easy by swaying side to side then when the beat kicked in he span me and did other little dance tricks, as it was coming to the end of the song we both span the joined back together as the song ended everyone cheered and I wanted to do it again me and Jc was just about to kiss when the lads broke us apart Kian, Sam and Ricky took Jc to one side of the room whilst I was taken by Connor and Trevor to other side i said "urm Trevor why did you and the lads break me and Jc as we was just about to flipping kiss" he laughed and said "can't tell ya it was actually your boyfriend's idea to do this" I was wondering do what?" then Jc appeared on stage with Kian then Classic by MKTO started playing I smiled and realised he was re-enacting the music they did I couldn't stop smiling and laughing at some moments I saw Connor give me the head turn like "go push them off stage" I smiled and headed up the stairs and pretty much giving them a shove of stage.

The night was amazing I can't describe how good it was, but tomorrow is Disney world then a few days after i'm flying home with Connor to see family. I never want to forget this experience at all.

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