Drama at Six Flags

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We got off the sand and hailed a cab it pulled up at the side of us and we got in, the diver said "where to?" Sam replied "Six Flags Theme Park please" the driver nodded and said "sure thing" the drive didn't take long at all we got dropped off at the main gates and we both got out Sam paid even though I wanted to but we agreed on playing for our own tickets into the park.

We finally got in after waiting ages in line we got out park bands on and headed to the rides we heard one of the rides from a distance and I said "I'm not going on that one then" he laughed then he pointed on out and said "we could go on that one it's called X2 it's not that scary" I said "alright then let's go" we ran like little kids to the ride Sam leading the way as we was running I thought I saw Jc and the boys going on revolution. As I looked back they wasn't in sight it had to be them but I didn't want to tell Sam since he really wanted to go on X2, we were finally on the ride we strapped in and I prepared for the worse my hands were slightly shaking afraid of what could happen, same looked over at me and said "hey calm down Jess it will be alright trust me" he held out his hand and I put mine out too we put our hands together I felt a bit more relaxed but not by much. I heard the clunking of the ride and it started to move up bit by bit as we were at the top Sam laughed and said "3...2...1" and we set off I screamed Sam put his hand and our connect hands up I on the other hand was clinging on to the bar hoping it would end soon.

The ride finally started to slow down and I was able to catch my breath I said "I'm never going on this ride every again Sam!" he looked and chucked we both unlinked our hands and we came to a full stop we heard the click of the seats being unlocked. We headed down to where you see the photos and we found ours Sam with his gob open and his arms up whilst I was clinging onto the seat with Sam holding one of my hands up. I could hear Ricky and Kian from a distance I cursed under my breath they said to the lads "look who we found!" they all started to run over a they get to us Trevor said "you guys have just been on that?" Sam said "yh we have" they look at the photo booth and noticed our photo I knew Jc was hurt because as soon as he saw the photo he turned away and ran off, what have I done I ran after him shouting "Jc! please stop! I'm sorry!" I followed him till he stopped out of the boys sight I said "Jc I'm sorry Sam was just-" he snapped "just what trying to take you away with me!" I started to build with anger and tears "I didn't know that you and the lads where going to be here all I did was ask Sam if he wanted to come out and about with me! you was busy and Sam was alone in his room" he said in a soft tone "Sam knew about coming to the park it was going to be a surprise when you got back we had booked the whole park so we could have a good day we came earlier to make sure it was ready" I walked closer and didn't say anything just gave him a hug "thanks Jc for everything I'm sorry about the photo he just held my hand to relax my nerves" he didn't say anything

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