I remember?

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I woke up in my bed with the light shining through warming my room up I noticed my phone was flashing I grabbed it and it was from Trevor "Morning Jess me and the lads have gone to get some food and film for the channel we will be back about 2pm food is in the cupboards and in the fridge have fun:) -Trev" I replied "hi just got up thanks for letting me know and don't cause trouble -Jess" I finally got up and changed into my blue tank top and denim 3/4 on and went downstairs. I looked in the cereal cupboard and there was loads I looked at one box and it permanent marker it read "Connor's cereal Keep Off!" I just smiled and grabbed the next box which was cookie crisp box, I sat down on the sofa and I heard little tapping on the floor then I saw a little dog I put my breakfast to the side of me and picked it up I read the collar "Wishbone" then I repeated the name over and over then I said "wishbone?! Wishbone?!" then I realized Jc's dog "WISHBONE!!!" I remembered omg I remembered, I grabbed my phone and messaged Jc "hi just remembered wishbone don't know how I just do! do u think I'm getting my memory back? -Jess" he replied "No way cool, we are mid filming by the way I may pennyboard it home to see you -Jc" I replied "Jc you don't have to I will be okay trust me -Jess" I couldn't believe it I could remember stuff I finished my breakfast and ran upstairs and grabbed my pennyboard I went outside and I had a feeling to do a trick so I did I was shocked I heard someone open the gate I skated around the side of the house to see Jc I shouted "Jc!!" I stopped my board and ran to him then I saw Connor I hugged him too we finally broke apart and I forgot about my board behind me I stepped on it and slipped banging my head on the floor.

I felt someone prodding me so I opened my eyes and saw I was on the sofa and Connor was in front of me, I asked "how long was I out for?" He said "a good hour I guess" I got up and said "where's Ricky, Kian, Trevor and Sam?" he said "out filming why?" then I realized "oh shoot I need to film I got up ran to my room grabbed my camera and tripod, ran back downstairs and started to set up. Connor and Jc was in shock I said "you guys ok?" Jc said "you remembered?" I said "your talking nonsense of course I remember why wouldn't i?" Connor said "you had amnesia, you forgot us and everything you did, and now you fell and hit your head and your back like it didn't happen" then I realized what he said "I had amnesia? and now I can remember everyone and everything" Connor stood up and gave me a hug "it's alright I'm glad your back, your my little sister and I will never change that" I saw Jc on the phone he must of been calling the lads, I heard my phone ping it was unusual I had a email I opened it and it read

"Dear Miss Jessica Franta, we are delighted to inform you that you are a special guest at this years Vidcon, we hope you enjoy your time and meet many of people we have also scheduled you a performance on the main stage, meet & greets, signings and panels. your pass will be given to you on the first day. Have fun The Vidcon Team."

I couldn't believe it I got accepted I burst out screaming and i was bouncing around, Connor had to calm me down before I went too hyper I showed him the email and he was so happy too. Vidcon was in a few weeks and so was my birthday that meant I had my birthday at the event this was going to be awesome! After I finally filmed and got covered in numerous things by Connor and Jc I was heading upstairs to get a shower when Trevor, Sam, Kian and Ricky walked through the door they all burst out laughing so I started the chase them Kian screamed and ran to his room almost breaking the door, so did Trevor he locked himself in his room, Ricky ran outside and grabbed the hose and sprayed me and as for Sam he just went to the kitchen and got a drink. I couldn't get Vidcon off my mind.

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