Connor Franta's Little Sister

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  • Dedicated to Connor Franta

Hey I'm Jessica Franta, Connor's little sister but I'm the unnoticed one because he wants me not to get caught up in all the YouTube stuff so I lie at school or where ever I am saying I'm not his sister, it does hurt saying it but I know its to keep me protected.

I hardly see Connor anymore he's moved out with his friends Jc,Kian,Ricky,Trevor and Sam they have a YouTube page called O2L (Our 2nd Life) the lads barley know me since Connor doesn't say much about me it was finally summer and I messaged Connor and said "Hey big bro missing you lots can we spend some time together during summer?x" He replied "hi Jess yes sure you can spend a few weeks at the O2L house if you want to :)" I put back "but the lads hardly know me :( x" he instantly replied "don't worry the secret about you will be kept you just have to not be in videos and stuff" I said "okay love you bro x" his last text made me smile "Love ya sis"

I got a medium suitcase and packed everything I needed clothes, shoes, gadgets like laptop and camera I do video I just don't upload them. Within an hour I was finally done. I got a text from Connor saying "pick you up tomorrow at 1pm can't wait :)" I smiled and put my phone in my pocket. I grabbed some tea since it was about 5pm I made myself a rice chicken and salad meal, It was so nice. For the rest of the night I just listened to music and doodled on bits of paper then I drifted off to sleep.

I had the sun blinding me making me wake up I reached for my phone and the time was 12:30 I shot up I had half an hour till Connor was here I run through the house getting changed and stuff I kept glancing at my phone as the time got nearer and nearer as I put the final clip in my hair and a knock at the door occurred I ran downstairs to the door and opened it to see Connor I gave him a hug and muffled "I've missed you soo much" he said "I've missed you too" he pulled me in tighter and I felt more safe after we pulled apart he said "hi" to mum then he grabbed my suitcase and put it in the boot he said as he was getting in the car "what's in your case?" I said "stuff I need like clothes laptop camera" I whispered the last item hoping he wouldn't hear but he did "Camera?" I nodded "yh..I do videos too I just don't post them because of the secret thing" he said "oh..sorry sis" I said "you can look at them it's fine" he smiled and put the radio on I Choose You by TimeFlies came on I said "omg I love this turn it up!!" I started bouncing in my seat and singing as the song finished he he said "you have an amazing voice you never told me you could sing" I said "something's have to be kept hidden" we finally arrived it was a huge house Connor pressed the horn the 5 lads piled out of the front door he turned the engine off and said "they wanted to see you" I smiled and grabbed my case. I was lead inside and into Connor's room where I dumped my case, I came back downstairs and saw the lads messing about I mean boys being boys Connor stood next to me and ask "typical" then he left and went outside. Heard someone in the kitchen and I went to go see and it was Ricky I said "Hey Ricky" he looked up "Hi Jess want to help me since none of the lads will and its for my next video" I smiled and said "sure" I knew I had to keep quiet about the video thing but I felt like I could trust him he asked "Jess you ok?" I said "yh I'm fine its just I see you and the boys having fun on videos and there's me who makes video and takes time to edit then instead of uploading them I just save them on a usb stick" he stopped what he was doing and then said "would you be able to show me your videos" I said "they aren't the best" I ran upstairs and grabbed my mac book and usb stick and went back to the kitchen I loaded the laptop up and Ricky saw my home screen which was me and Connor we was younger.

I got my videos up and said "here you go choose which ever I'm going to see where Connor is" he said "ok thanks and I think he outside" I headed outside with 2 cans of Arizona tea one for me and the other for him, as soon as I got outside I saw Connor in the pool doing his thing me and him always love swimming so I put the cans at the side of the pool and took my shirt off revealing my costume I dived in and resurfaced next to Connor I said "hey bro you look okay?" He ducked under the water ignoring me so I went under with him and held his hand he surfaced and said "Jess I didn't realise" I said "Even when I said 'Hey bro' you didn't realise" he said "sorry jess" I said "it's alright I forgive you here" handed in a can of Arizona tea he smiled and said "see this is why you're my sister" I heard Ricky shout "guys look at this!" I though no not my videos Connor got out of the pool and I put my can on the edge and dived under panicking.

It was about 10 mins later and I decided to get out of the pool and see where everyone was I grabbed a towel which was on the washing line and headed in I saw everyone around my laptop smiling and laughing I said "guys what are you watching?" Trevor said "your videos they are amazing you should be a Youtuber with us" I said "thanks but no thanks I'd rather keep all this a secret" I grabbed my blue and white penny board and said "I'm going out see you guys later" Jc said "wait Jess I will go with you" I said "hurry up then" he was finally ready we both headed out and started boarding. He said "you are really good on that board can you do tricks?" I smiled knowing I could I got some speed up and did a 360 then kept boarding I said "does that answer your question" he said "yh follow me we are going to get a Starbucks" I smiled as he took the lead and me behind him.

We finally made it to Starbucks we both got a Grande Caramel Frappuccino it was yummy Jc had a sip of his drink and said "so why aren't posting your amazing videos on youtube" I sighed and said "When Connor started youtube he wanted me to get my grades so he pretty much kept the brother sister thing a secret and told everyone he didn't have a sister and I said I didn't have a brother and its been that way for a few years now and that's why I guess I have gotten use to not being known as his sister" he said "oh sorry I didn't know" I said rubbing my eye trying to clear a tear that was ready to fall "Jc you can't tell anyone that I have told you this please" he moved towards me and hugged me and said "I would never tell I'm not that type of person" we finished out drinks and headed back to the house racing who would get there first it ended up to be him but only by a few seconds we got in and I put my board in Connor's room I came back downstairs with my camera and tripod to get my mac book and do some recording, I headed outside and set up in front of the pool before I started videoing I shouted "Connor I need you!!" He came running outside and said "you called" I took a breath in and said "well I think its time" he said "you ready I mean we can still keep it a secret" I replied "no time for a change today is the day" he nodded and said "well do this then" I sat down and I told him what to do.

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