The Video

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Connor Franta's Little sister

I took a breath in and pressed record "Hey everyone Jess here so you guys may know my brother Connor" he popped into the camera view and sat next to me I said "ok so I have been videoing a lot but me and my brother decided to keep it a secret because of my school life anyway today was the day I became part of the O2L family and become a youtuber like my bro" he said "we are sorry that we have kept the relationship like brother and sister thing a secret but it was my decision so don't send her hate, I know how it feels to have hate i pretty much get it everytime I look on my video feedback, Twitter and even Instagram" i wanted to end the video so i said "okay guys urm go like subscribe to me and comment below some crazy ideas you have" i was just about to kiss my hands and then push towards the camera but connor stopped me and said lets do my outro i said "sure" we said "we gonna go ohh okay this week we talked about my sister what she likes what she dislikes lkjhkgfds byee" we stopped the video and burst out laughing. I stood up and said "Connor hold ya breath" he said "why?" before he knew it he was falling into the pool as he hit the water a massive splash happened I saw Jc, Ricky, Trevor, Sam and Kian all run out and they just laughed. He got out and I threw him a towel I grabbed my camera and headed upstairs to start to edit.

I was almost done when I heard a light knock on my door I said "come in" the door opened and it was Jc he said "hey how's the video doing" I said "good almost done" he sat next to me and said "may I have a look" I gave him my laptop and said "don't touch anything please" he smiled and said "I won't" he pressed play and watched it. He kept glancing over at me and I just smiled I think me may have a crush on me I have to be sure first. He finished watching my video and said "you are really good" he pulled me into him wrapping his arms around my body he whispered in my ear "I really like you" I whispered back "I do too but I don't know how to tell you" we pulled apart just in time as Kian barged through the door shouting "we're going to Taco Bell in 5mins get ready!" I said "Kian no need to shout" we got up I saved my edit and kicked Jc out of my room.

I was finally done I walked down stairs and said "right I'm here but one problem how are we all going to fit in one car for Taco Bell?" Ricky said "you can drive right?" I said "yh but I don't have a car" Connor threw me some keys and said "take my car I will go in Kian's" we split up so in my car it was Jc, Trevor and Sam, in Kian's car he had Connor and Ricky. We all got into the cars and Jc sat in the front with me which was strange, I saw Kian pull next to me and gave me the nod I turned the key and said "let's go but I don't know where I'm going" Jc said "I will guide you don't worry" I smiled and set off passing Kian's car on the way. We finally saw Taco Bell I easily found a parking space and Kian parked next to me we all got out and Sam when to the boot and said "grab your penny boards" we got them we all had different colours it looked cool I locked the car and set off after everyone but I soon caught up. We all piled in and lucky we booked a private booth for all of us since it was packed we all placed our boards to the side away from the table but made sure nobody could get hurt.

After hours in Taco Bell we headed to the cars we all started running the places the boards down but got my footing wrong I knew I had sprained my ankle I shouted "guys help me I've hurt my ankle" Jc and Connor both stopped and turned around for me and skate towards me fast. Jc knelt down an said "what's wrong" I said "it's my ankle I fell and I think I have sprained it I can't move it" Connor scooped me up and said we got to take her to the hospital Jc grabbed our boards and we rushed to the cars Jc told the lads what was happening and they understood I winced in pain as Connor laid me across the back seats Sam got in Kian's car and Connor and Jc got in the car what I was in I grabbed the keys and gave them to him trying not to move my ankle it was going to be a painful journey.

Connor Franta's Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now