Playlist Boys and The Movie Girl

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Well today was the day my bags were packed and I was ready to go since the lads are going to Orlando we would be going to the airport together since we had similar flight times and as they boarded their flight I'd head to my departure gate that was the plan. I dragged my heavy case down the stairs and into the car Connor was right behind me lets just say the Franta's pack early since they know what to pack and what time they need to be in places. I said "Good morning brother" he lifted his case into the boot "Morning Sister" we headed back inside the ever so quiet o2l house I said "you know I've never heard this house so quiet" he laughed "that's because it's 5am Jess and the lads are in dream paradise" I knew I wouldn't fall back to sleep so I grabbed my MacBook from my travel bag and watched If I Stay, I've read the book now it's time to watch the film.

The film was on the rolling credits I had tears the way it was all shown that loosing someone could be a life or death situation means so much, I heard footsteps I knew Connor was wandering about checking everything was locked and then checking them all again I felt a presence behind me I tilted my head back to see a tired Jc he asked "don't you Franta's ever sleep?" I said "we do we're not vampires and we've been up since 5 making sure everything is ready" I could see he was wanting to go back to bed but before he trudged to the kitchen or his room he pecked me on the lips which made me blush. It's 8:46am and the only people that are up is me, Connor and Jc I think it's time to do the wake up call! I put my MacBook back in my bag and headed to the fridge/freezer I grabbed some ice and a bottle of cola, I then grabbed my mentos mints also i grabbed 2 of the many water guns lined up and brought them into the kitchen I began placing the ice into the water gun melting them so they would fit then I put water inside and attached it back to the gun I said "that's one ice cold water gun ready to use" I saw Jc walk in I started pumping the water gun so the water was ready to fire I turned he couldn't get the words out of his mouth quick enough "don't shoot don't shoot don't shoot!!" I laughed "it's for you because of all the sleeping beauties upstairs" he realised what I had said and started to help a few moments later the second gun was ready now time for the mentos and cola finale the boys carefully brought Kian, Ricky, Sam and Trevor lucky they are all heavy sleepers well sort of, they were placed on the grass laid on their backs in a plus shape with their heads almost touching  I put the 2 litre bottle of cola in the small gap above their heads and placed the mentos in I hopped behind Connor and Jc just in time as the cola exploded all over them we bust into hysterics and Jc and Connor started to spray the ice cold water on them.

It was finally time to go everything was packed in the cars I still don't know how we did it, we took Ricky's car and Jc's to the airport since they had the biggest cars. Off to LAX we go! We finally arrived we found 2 parking bays next to each other which was lucky we stared to unload the bags and place them on luggage trollies it ended up the lads had a trolly each and I didn't need one we headed inside so we could check in. As some people know who've been abroad or got an internal flight know that security is a nightmare the amount of times we got bleeped because of something metal like belts, glasses or even jewellery anyway we was in the departure area I had about an hr before I had to go I was at gate B43 I checked on the board and it was still scheduled for arrival I headed to Starbucks with Sam as the lads were in duty free buying gadgets for some random reason as we was in the queue Sam said "Jess I'm sorry for overreacting" I said "it happens to everyone stop worrying I'm okay" we got interrupted by one of the Starbucks staff shouting "Next!" I walked up and said "hi, can I have a Mango Passion Fruit Blended Juice Drink please" she said "sure and your Jess Franta right?" I smiled "that's me" I could see she was getting exited she asked "would you mind if we took a selfie" I said "not at all let's take selfies!" she pulled her iPhone out and we took a couple of pics I shouted to Sam "Sammers come here" he came over and we took some more photos and we signed her phone case then she gave us our drinks I pulled my purse out and said "how much?" She replied "nothing the manger said not to charge you" I was a bit shocked at the response "oh urm thanks" I left a tip anyway and as we stepped out of Starbucks I heard "Departure of the British Airways BA135 to London, please passengers proceed to gate B43" I said pulling my ticket out "that's my flight" we found the lads in a seating area they could tell that announcement was for me, they all stood up and gave me one huge group hug, them I started going round the lads giving them a hug apart from Jc he got a kiss. They followed me to the gate before I got into line Kian handed me something and Ricky said "open it on the plane" I said "I will I promise Trevor pointed at his eyes and then at me basically saying "I'm watching you" I got into line and with in minutes I was at the front of the line handing my boarding pass over and heading to the plane.

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