Over and over

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Connor's pov
I headed to my to my room I opened the book and I flicked through the whole book nothing at all I noticed that the drawing was drawn over and over I Skyped, Jess and showed her the book she said "I've never seen that book before but it has my drawings in" I said "I found it in Jc's room it had a drawing hanging out of it" she said "do you think Jc is up to something?" I replied "I'm not sure Jess I can't wait till you get back" she said "not long now Con I promise" I smiled and I said "urm Jess I may or may not have pinned Jc to a walk and asked him to explain the drawing and chain" she reacted "you what! you did what!" I said quickly "look Jess calm down I needed to know and he wasn't going to talk to me" she calmed down and I heard footsteps I shoved the book under my bed and I heard a knock I said "come in!" it was Ricky he said "Con we are heading to Taco Bell want to join us?" I heard Jess say "go it will go okay" then Ricky 'hey Jess!" I agreed that I would go Ricky then left my room, Jess said "promise me one thing keep an eye on Jc" i said "I promise" we ended the call and I got ready for Taco Bell before I left I hid a Go Pro and my vlogging camera in his room, then headed back to my room I grabbed my jacket and headed out.

Jc's pov
So today I was coming out of the kitchen after having something to eat and Connor for no reason pinned me up against the wall he shouted "explain this!" and held his phone to my face i said struggling to break his grip so I could breath "I don't know I just made it for her birthday I don't know about the dream!" He let me go and I went to the floor my head was down trying to catch my breath, I coughed and said "look I don't remember making the chain but I had a feeling I had to give it to her" as I said that Connor stormed off, I don't know what's happening I grabbed my coat from the sofa getting ready for Taco Bell, Connor was the last out and he locked up and went in Ricky's car with Trevor and I was in Kian's with Sam. I was wondering what could of made him react like this what's wrong with him is he loosing his mind because of his sister?

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