Movie Premiere

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It was the day of my movie and I was so nervous I got changed into a beautiful dress that Aideen picked for me that went from black to purple, white and pink at the bottom I put my hair into a fishtail plat I went into one my desk draws and pulled out black nail polish and carefully painted my nails after I grabbed a small bag and headed out of the room to see the boys suited and booted looking very smart. Jc stepped forward and said in a posh accent "shall we get going my lady?" I said mimicking "we shall" we linked arms and headed out.

We arrived at the Staples Centre arena your probably thinking Jess why didn't you go to Hollywood? Well I did consider the idea then I thought why don't I just go do it in a arena where tonnes of my viewers can watch it with me so that's what's happening! We got to the arena and there was loads of fans, photographers and reporters. I walked on the red carpet then I saw Aideen getting interviewed I said to Jc "I need to do something be back soon" I hadn't seen her in a few months I set of for the run towards her I shouted "Aideen!!" She turned around just as I got to her and we hugged I'd missed her so much as we pulled apart she asked "so how do you like your dress?" I said pulling it out a little "it's amazing I love it" I left her to her interview and did my own with the MTV they asked "So Jess what inspired you to make Skylar Storm the way she is?" I said holding one of the mics "I guess I added my own twist to her and made the fantasy world overlap with reality"

We headed inside and I was currently backstage the nerves started to build up inside me then one of the backstage crew came to me and said "ready Jess?" I nodded and she handed me a mic, this was it I heard the girl who just handed me the mic say "and 3..2..1" she waved her arm towards the curtain that was separating me from the stage I stepped out and a wave of screams hit me I said "hello everyone! I'm Jess, thank you so much for getting tickets and being part of this with me. I never ever thought I'd be stood on this stage introducing my movie also I'd like to thank Fullscreen Productions and all the cast and crew who helped and made me look amazing also my amazing friend and tour guide Aideen for helping me to get around London! Anyway hope you enjoy the movie as much as I enjoyed making it" I waved as I was heading off the stage and then I sat down with Jc on my right and Connor was on my left, Connor tapped me on the shoulder and said he was for a drink or something like that so I nodded, the anticipation was killing me then it started to begin but instead of the movie playing I started to see some of my old videos and family photos I heard Connor say "your probably wondering is this part of the movie and Jess is probably freaking out trying to fix it, but the movie will be shown just not yet. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls I give you The Story Of Jessica Franta!" As he said that I saw home videos start to play I couldn't believe it all the memories and amazing days was being relived right in front of me I saw the video when I was in hospital and then writing music there was so many I started to become emotional I cried into Jc's shoulder he said "Look up" I looked to the screen and saw people holding up bits of card then I realised it was live I turned around and once everyone had held their piece of card up it created the Youtube logo I couldn't stop smiling but instead of the redness around the Tube bit I'm sure it was miniature photos of me making it up. After being in floods of tears Connor had returned I stood up and stopped him before he sat down a spotlight and I guess a camera was on us I gave him one of the biggest hugs I could give, the screams were louder than ever and as we were hugging I said into his ear "thank you so so much Con" we broke apart and the movie finally began, my hands linked with Jc's and my nerves slowly started to comeback I just hope everyone loves it.

It was the end of the movie and the arena erupted in cheers, Jc said "that was mind blowing Jess! Bet you couldn't do some of those moves in real life?" I laughed "well you never know what I'm capable of" I pulled him into a kiss I heard Kian say "guys get a room" we laughed and I snuggled into his chest. We headed out of the arena waved to the fans that were waiting outside I saw some shaking and screaming wow I didn't know I actually made people go like that I mean I've seen people fangirl over bands and other Youtubers but it was so surreal that were screaming and shaking for me.

Just imagine that walking out of a arena or even being inside the arena and people screaming, taking photos, chanting your name and smiling all because you sit in front of a camera and tell the truth about society, you make a fool out of yourself and share your personal experiences to the world. Crazy isn't it that just one video can make someone smile or laugh and make them forget about their problems for a awhile I guess that's the beauty of YouTube.

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