Clear my mind

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I headed downstairs to see Ricky and Kian had headed outside to the other boys I shouted "going out for a bit be back later!" they shouted back "okay, cya, bye" I rolled my eyes grabbed my phone and thought Sam should come too I sent a text to him "Sam do you want to come with me im going to be pennyboarding around town i need to get fresh air x" he soon replied "yh sure be down soon, you head outside i will meet you out there" I went to my room grabbed my board and slid down the banister towards the door I jumped off at the end catching my balance on the door, I opened the door to see Sam stop there I said "how did you get out here so fast?" he smiled and said "I do have a window you know" I smiled and we both headed out on to the street. We headed to Manhattan Beach first.

As we got onto the beach I slipped my vans off and took my socks off and walked on the warm sand, Sam did the same and caught up to my side. we wandered a bit further till Sam said "this is a good spot" he set his board down and sat on it and I did the same. we had come further down the beach so it wasn't too crowed and we could relax he said "Jess I heard you are good with music and can draw" i smiled and started messing with sand in front of me but not paying full attention I replied "well sort of I wouldn't say I'm good" he looked down and saw a sun, clouds and wavy lines he said "you've done that without looking and it's amazing!" I chuckled I got up and smoothed my foot over the doodle covering and getting rid of it. I got my board and Sam did too next stop Six Flags!!

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