What's Happening?

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I skyped Jc just for a general catch up and see if he had the same/ similar necklace to me, I waited a few moments then he appeared i said "hey Cloud" he smiled and said "hey trouble" he took his hoodie off revelling a tank top and his necklace he said "nice timing by the way I just got out of the shower since I just did a messy video" I smiled and started to draw his necklace on a piece of paper he said "I'm missing you like crazy Jess, I keep looking at the drawings you have left they are meaningless to me but I guess to you they are stories" I smiled then realised what he said I said "one second" I went to my case and pulled out my sketch book I flicked through it then slammed it shut I tried to ignore what I have drawn in there over and over I sat back at the laptop and finished Jc's necklace drawing. we talked about anything and everything I need to go so I said "I've got to go Cloudi promise I will be able to talk another day love you" he smiled and said "love you so much more" I smiled and the call ended I got my chain and they were very similar almost exactly the same, I took a picture of both the necklace and drawing with the caption "help! look at these the pic is Jc necklace and I had a dream about it last night" I don't know what to do.

Connor's pov
I received a text off jess and I read the message and saw the photos I didn't hesitate I ran to Jc and pinned him to a wall and growled "explain this!" I held up my phone to his face he said "I don't know I just made it for her birthday I don't know about the dream!" I let him go and he caught his breath and coughed said "look I don't remember making the chain but I had a feeling I had to give it to her" I stormed off, what was happening? why my sister? I went up stairs and went to Jc's room I searched high and low searching for an answer then I found it, I grabbed the book and headed into my room.

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