Unforgettable day for some people

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So i have been in my room ever since the boys left just having a lot of thoughts going around my head, I was in my own little world till I heard rapid banning in my door I jumped up and answered it was Jc and he looked like he has been running I said "what's up?" he said "grab a bag we are going somewhere" I got my bag and he picked up my board and he held my hand I said "where are we going?" He said "somewhere I know somewhere less crowded and more relaxing so it can be us" we walked for about an hour till we reached a beautiful area in Charlotte we started boarding and it was nice just me and him we was going down this little slope that over looked the city I speeded up slightly letting go of Jc hand I looked behind then I saw his facial expression change from happy to worried he shouted "Jess!! watch out!!" as I looked back it was too late hit full force by a car I fell to the ground I felt numb and weak I looked up and saw Jc he was panicking he kept saying "stay awake! Jess look at me! come on stay awake!" his words became muffled and my eyes shut I was in darkness no escape nothing just trapped in this dark place.

(A/N:I thought to add Jc POV so it explains more)

Jc's POV

I was so bored in my room so I grabbed my board and ran to Jess's room I told her to grab her bag I picked up her board and linked out hands I knew exactly were we was going, we made it and took her bag and put it on my back lucky it was a denim bag and it suited really well we was skating together then she let go out of no where a speeding car was coming towards us Jess looked behind I shouted "Jess!! watch out!!" I stopped my board and tried running towards her but it was too late the car disappeared around the bend and left Jess on the floor I ran to her she had cuts and scratches all over I saw she was drifting between consciousness I said with tears rolling "stay awake! Jess look at me! come on stay awake!" I kept saying it over and over then her eyes fully shut I pulled out my phone and dialled a ambulance and then called Connor

C- Connor, J- Jc

C: helloo

J: Connor listen to me get the boys and head to the hospital Jess got hit by a car

C: What! noo please no!

J:*i heard Ricky in the background* look Connor you need to see her please I'm heading to the hospital too I'm sorry bro there was nothing I could do

C: it's ok I guess we will be there soon

J: I will see you soon bye mate

C: bye bro

I burst out crying again it was my stupid fault that all this happened, Connor is devastated and I don't think I would ever forget this day for as long as I live.

*3 days later*

The tour had to be cancelled or be continued with out us the fans totally understood they were so supportive through the tough time, Jess had to have surgery and lucky nothing major I have been by her bed side for 3 solid days and so has Connor, the rest of the boys keep popping in to see how we are and how she is doing. Then I heard her voice what I haven't heard in ages I looked up she said "urm where am I and who the hell are you guys?" I said "Jess don't you remember I'm Jc your boyfriend and that's Connor your brother" she said "I don't remember you or him and I don't really know myself" my heart broke into a thousand pieces the doctor walked in and said "Justin Caylen? and Connor Franta?" we both said in sync "yes what's the problem?" he sighed and said "miss Jessica Franta has occurred amnesia, I'm sorry" at that he walked out as I pulled out my phone and so did Connor and told the news to the boys and I also called Ria since she is one of Jess's best friends. She doesn't remember us we have to get her memory back I have to have Jess back.

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