Chapter 3

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Welp I got to the store in one piece, so I run in and out to get the eggs and once I get home I see my mom holding my brothers bloody knuckles and I thought 'Here we go again'. I put the eggs on the counter and of course me being worried. "Hermano...what happened?" He looks up at with the same sadness as before, then he spoke and you could tell he was in pain..psychical and mentally. "I was upset so I took it out on a tree because I was scared if I held it in for too long it would've been on one of"

I interrupted him. "Yes Cristian we know how you are, you have black outs and you can't control what happens during them, but I thought you were getting better. What happened?" He looks at me and I know I've done messed up. "What happened!? Abuelo happened he was helping me...Every day we faced time and talked to each other for hours,..Now I can't do that." He gets up and pushes past me and mamá looks at me. "Give him a few hours just until papá gets home to handle him okay" She nods her head "Oh and I ordered waffle house instead I got you your favorite!!" She smiled at me...she's trying so hard to keep one on her face but it's hard, but I go and I eat the breakfast and I go up to my room to pack it was around...1 Pm so technically it was brunch but it was good.

After I'm done packing, I'm making sure I have everything, Tooth brush..check, funeral attire..check, cool clothes because I just know it'll be warm..check check check, Oh and one more thing hair brush. I packed it and that was everything, There's only one thing I'm dreading...Seeing Camilo Madrigal again, Like was it going to go good, Bad or do they still even live there, That was the only part I was stressing about. I hurried to do my chores thinking it'll make the day go faster but nope, by the time I was done it was only 2...So I offered to do my brothers wasn't much I could really do except take the trash out and feed miguel.. he's our dog we've had for almost 5 years now, There was just one thing i couldnt do which was fix the serpentine belt on my car...And the gas can was busted open I swear it wasn't my fault. After everything was done it seemed like time was going slower so I think to myself 'Maybe if I stop dreading tomorrow it'll come quicker..' It was probably false but I had to try, So I go up to my room put in headphones and went into my own little world and then the next thing I knew Cristian came in my room telling me dinner was done, So it worked only by 3 hours but it worked.

I put everything away and went down to eat and it was my favorite we had chicken enchiladas and menudo, Cristian was the one that liked menudo but I'll pass on that any day but mamá she didn't care what we were having, She was grateful for any and everything...Abuelo taught her that. We were eating and the doorbell rings. "I got it" I turned around to go to the door "Cristian if you touch my food I'll chop your fingers off" I turn around seeing him slowly moving his hand back and the doorbell rings again. "ya voy, ya voy, Dios, espera" I yell at them, then when I open the door I take it all back. "Tía Carolina..Tío Javier!?" They hug Me and Tía Carolina sees my mamá. "Hermana!" They hug each other and they're both crying and my tío puts his hand on my shoulder. "How are you hanging kid?" He asked me I couldn't lie.. but I couldn't tell the truth either. "I'm doing fine so uh where's primo Sebastián?" I asked then I hear his sweet little voice. "Right here...I lost bunny in the car and I couldn't find him" And just like that everything was gone all the worry and stress.

I pick Sebastián up and squeeze him tight. "Ah how much I've missed you" I look at Javier and whisper 'How did he take it?' He shakes his head no and I look at him now I can tell he's been crying since his face is closer to mine. "Hey Sebastián wanna see something abuelo taught me?" He nods his head yes and I take him up to my room. "So do you know how to whistle?" I asked him as I reached out my window to get a acorn to get the top off and he shakes shakes his head no. "Well did you know that you can whistle with the top of a acorn?" He smiles "You can!?" He looks excited to find out how. "Well you put your thumbs here" I show him where to place his thumb. "See that open space?" He nods his head yes and I smile. "Now put the open space to your lips" He looks at me "You've ate grass before" He puts it to his lips and looks at me. "Now blow into really hard" He does that and it makes a whistling noise and he looks at me and laughs and I ruffle his hair making a few pieces fall in front of his eyes. "You did it little one" He gets up and he goes downstairs "Papá look what y/n/n taught me" He shows him and I smile and walk to the kitchen and see my food missing. "Cristian!!" I yell and he comes downstairs. "Yeah" he says so innocently. "tu pequeño culo te comiste toda mi comida tu pequeña perra te voy a matar" I start chasing him up the stairs and i get grabbed by tío Javier "No one is going to kill anyone over food" He says then my mamá says "And Language Mija" I look at her and Javier puts me down "lo siento mamá" She looks at me "I'm sorry tía and tío, I'm sorry Cristian and I'm sorry Sebastián" I think to myself 'but that little ass ate my food he pissed me off.'


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