Chapter 17

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Camilo rubs my back and I lay back down on the couch. "Are you okay Amor?" I nod my head getting backup again and I start walking to my bedroom. "Yeah I think I just got a cold but imma take a hot bath to see if that helps." I go into my bedroom and then in the bathroom and I get the water to the temperature I wanted and I get in.

Camilos pov
While Y/n was in the bath I decided to clean up the house to help her out a bit and then I cook her dinner because well she isn't feeling good and it's her birthday. It was her favorite, macaroni and cheese and potatoes and chicken and I assume she's out of the bath by the time I was done cleaning and cooking so I take it to her in bed. I knocked on the door to make she was dressed. "Come in" I hear say, I hated seeing her sick but I walk in and I see her laying down in bed while watching something on TV. "Hey Mi Amor, How are you feeling?" I asked her and she just shrugged her shoulders and just continues to watch TV. "I made you dinner" She looks at me with a confused look and I set the plate on her nightstand and when she sees what it is she smiles. "You cooked this?" I nod my head and I take her hand and I plant a soft kiss on it. "Only for you Amor" I get in her bed and she lays between my legs while eating and watching tv. "I'm sorry about earlier Amor...I should've let you explain first" She's just slowly eating and then after she finishes with the bite she was eating she responds to me. "Its fine Camilo I'm over it now you had every right to be upset." She says and then she finishes up the last of her food and she puts her plate aside and cuddles with me and I stroke her, it was still damp but soft.

Your pov
Camilo just apologized for what happened but it was my fault. He was stroking my hair and it was putting me to sleep but I fought it. I was still processing what Bruno told me I mean I'm really glad they didn't stay together because then me and Camilo couldn't have dated so that's one con of it. I really thought my mom was a good person..but I guess not. "Camilo?" I say and he's still stroking my hair. "Yeah Hermosa?" He says in a calm soothing voice. "Did you know that my mom dated Bruno?" He stops stroking my hair I sit up. "Tío Bruno? No I didn't know and that's weird...your mom dated my Tío and your brother is dating my sister and your dating me-" I interrupted him because I thought the same thing. "Yeah I know but at least they didn't have children together" I say to him with a soft laugh and he pulls me in to kiss me and when he does I can feel his smile through the kiss. "Yeah that's a good thing Amor" He pulls away and brushes my cheek with his thumb. "Did you feel better after you ate Amor?" I nod my head and he kisses my forehead and starts stroking my hair again. "Good Amor you probably just needed to eat..Now promise me you'll keep eating regular meals." I nod my head and he shake his and I give him a confused look. "I need to hear you promise bebita" I smile and I brush his cheek with my thumb. "I promise Mi Amor" He smiles and it warms my heart up and then he pulls me in for a kiss and one hand is cupping my cheek and the other is behind my neck. Minutes later he pulls away. "Do you want a massage?" I shake my head no and then he asks another question. "Do you still want to go to the party?" I nod my head and he gets up. "Well get ready Amor" I get up and change out of my pajama pants and into some jeans with holes and I put my shoes on and a jacket then we walk out the door and start walking to his house.

*at the house*
Once we walk in Casita welcomes us and it moves us to the kitchen and everyone pops out from hiding. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!" Everyone yelled and I smiled and then Isabela grows flowers everywhere and Luisa picks me up and Mirabel was smiling ear to ear and Pepa had it hailing above her dancing with the kids from the town and Julieta was cooking food and Antonio was telling the butterflies to fly around my head. I was smiling really big and I see Camilo smiling just like mirabel. "Birthday girl coming through!" Luisa yelled as she carried me through the house. "Luisa you can just put me down you know" She doesn't listen and she carries me to the courtyard and I see Camilo standing in the middle and Luisa sits me down. "Have fun" She says and she walks away.  I smile and I turn to Camilo who was now a fully grown muscular man. "May I have this dance cariño?" I shake my head and smile. "Sorry I have a boyfriend" He shapes shift back into himself taking my hand and kissing it and going up my arm and he gets to my lips but stops before we make contact with them. "What about now Amor?" I nod my head and we start dancing and I recognize the song, it was the song that me and him first danced too and he did the same move on me. He spun me around and dipped me with one hand around my waist and one on my thigh slowly bringing me up and he gets closer to my lips. "May I kiss you now?" I nod my head and he kisses me softly. Isabela made flowers explode around us and rose pedals fell beside of us while we were still kissing, both of my hands cupping his cheeks and one of his around my waist and around the back of my neck. We saw a flash through our closed eyes and we open our eyes rose petals were still falling and we see Félix and Pepa with a camera smiling big. "Oh mijo we are so proud of you and Y/n... the young women you have become...we are proud of you both." Pepa said while hugging me and Camilo. "Yeah your basically our family" Mirabel says. I was so caught up in the moment I didn't didn't realized that Cristian and Dolores were nowhere to be seen. I swear if he's spending my birthday screwing his girlfriend I swear.

1156 words
I hope you liked this part I tried to add more of the encanto characters other than Pepa, Camilo and Dolores.
Thank you for all of the support if you have any suggestions lmk!!!

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