Chapter 9

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The date was like a picnic, A romantic picnic. Falling back in love with Camilo wasn't on my bucket list for when I came back for a few weeks, Now I have to do what I did 3 years ago, Not unless he thinks we can do long distance. The afternoon air was breezy and kind of cold and of course I didn't think to bring a jacket or anything.

I'm guessing Camilo saw me slightly shivering because he puts his jacket around me. "Thank you Amor"I say and he was just admiring me, The way he looks at me never changed. "Well you seemed cold Amor and I don't want you to get sick." His voice was still sweet, Soft and cocky but I didn't mind, Camilo made me feel loved at my lowest times, He went out of his way to set up a picnic and everything.

Camilo caresses my cheek, his hand was warm to my face because my cheeks were freezing. "Amor you're freezing" I nod my head because I was just enjoying the warmth from his hand the he gently grabs my face. "Let me fix that Hermosa" He says. His voice, No his whole presence just makes me feel safe and melt. He starts kissing all over my face and I start laughing and when he pulls away from doing it he has the biggest smile on his. His smile was the most handsome smile ever, He was literally perfect. "Feel warmer now Amor?" He asked and I nod my head yes and I kiss him what feels like forever and then I pull away, He smiles and gives me one last kiss before pulling out a ring box and he opens it and I look at him. "Camilo..-" he knows what I was thinking so he interrupts me. "Calm down Hermosa this isn't a proposal, it's a promise. Look I want to promise you that I'll never let you be alone during any time of your life like this ever again Mi Amor and never let the long distance come between us"  He says softly while putting the ring on my ring finger on my right hand, And plants a soft kiss on my hand.

We sat there for hours talking to each other and then it's around 5 pm and we got there around 2:30 so we were there for around 2 to 3 in half hours and he finally stands and helps me up . "I had fun Camilo thank you" he kisses my cheek, He's also been very affectionate but I didn't care I loved it. "Of course Mi Vida I had fun too".

He walks me home and when we get to my house, we walk in and my mom greets him "Hola Camilo" she looks at me "Mija".  "Hola Mrs.L/n, hows your evening?" He asked my mother. "Good, would you like to stay for dinner? Dolores is staying, you can if you want." He looks over at me and then back at me. "Of course I would love to say. I do miss your cooking" Mamá smiles and she looks in my direction, I knew she saw it. I walk over to the fridge to get a water and when I take a sip she asks me a question I get choked on it. "So mija did you have fun last night" she looks in my direction when I started coughing louder and Camilo comes over and starts rubbing my back. "Are you okay Amor" I nod my head then responded to my mom. "Yeah mamá I had fun" I said as my coughing slowed down. She smiles and looks back down to cooking dinner. "Camilo may I have a minute alone with my daughter?" He looks at me, I think he's worried about me being in trouble. "Yes you may señora."

He was very respectful to my family and they were happy for me and my brother 'actually where is my brother'  i thought then my mom saying something caught my attention. "So mija...what did you do last night?" She asked me looking up from the food. "Uh I slept mostly because I was exhausted" She nods her head and walks over to the sink to wash her hands and I put the food in the oven to help her. "Nothing else happened?" I shake my head no and she turns around and takes the hand towel to dry her hands. "You know you can tell me anything Mija" I pull Camilos jacket up a little bit to cover my neck. "Mamá nothing happened..." She puts her hands up in defense. "Never said it did mija but indicating your hick-" I interrupt her before she could say to much so Dolores couldn't hear but she probably already knew. I felt bad for Dolores she probably heard all of Camilos dirty jokes. "Mamá" I complained and covered my red embarrassed face. "Look mija I suggest you covering it up before your dad and tío gets home, There's makeup in the bathroom you can use" She told me and I was worried she would tell my papá anyways I asked the question thats been bothering me. "Where is everyone?" I asked her. She didn't respond right away and it was fine it looked like she was in her own little world. "Um your papá and tío went fishing to honor your abuelo and your tía took Sebastián to the park and Cristian is in his room doing God knows what and I'm stuck here cooking dinner by myself" She pats the flour on her apron and then dusts her hands off by brushing them together. "I'm sorry mamá do you need help" She shakes her head no. "No mija you have Camilo here" I shrug my shoulders and walks over to her and hug her. "So mamá? He can wait you're family" She doesn't hug me back but that's mostly because she doesn't want to get flour on me. "At this rate he might be family one day mija either from you or your brother."

I have a confused look on my face but then I realized she's talking about him making Dolores family by marrying her not marrying Camilo, I swear I'm stupid sometimes. "But mamá-" She interrupts me and turns me around pushing me towards the door. "No buts mija" once she pushes me out Camilo looks at me with concerned look on his face and walks over to me. "Did I get you in trouble Amor?" I shake my head and he kisses me very gently like I would break if he kissed me too hard. "She just... Well all she said was to cover it up before my papá and tío gets home." He smiles and he rubs my shoulders. "Yeah I don't them to lecture you-" I wrap my arms around his neck and I look up at him.

I really hate being short but I loved it at the same time because me and Camilo were literally the perfect height for each other. Where I have to stand on my tippy toes to kiss him, Where he has to look down at me, Where my head comes almost perfectly for head to chest contact but it's more like head to shoulder contact. Anyways it was perfect. "I don't want them to kill you Amor" I say while widely smiling and he kisses my forehead then cheek then he moves down to my lips. "You're literally so perfect Mi Amor" He says while pulling away then I lead him to my room and when we get in he sits on the bed and I straddle him and he puts his hands on my waist. "You're more perfect Amor" I said leaning down to kiss him.

1304 words!!
I'm literally so confused but I took a 7 hour nap so that's great I hope you loved this and if you have any suggestions on what should happen next lmk!!

Friends to Lovers (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя