Chapter 35

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I get out the pizza rolls out and I sit at the kitchen table. "So Mi Amor, What do you want to do today?" He asked me and I looked up from my food. "I dont know Camilo what do you want" I asked with a sassy tone and he comes over and pecks my cheek with his lips. "You're lucky I love you." He says while walking away. "What is that supposed mean!?" He stops and looks at me. "Nothing towards you Amor I just saying I don't deal with sassy tones, I grew up with three of them and they're annoying." He says while walking away. After I was done eating I went to my bedroom to isolate myself from the rest of the world for a little even Camilo only because it felt like I was going to have a mental breakdown. I killed my sister...well helped, my brother tried killing himself, My mom and dad got into an argument last night, I'm getting married next month, I might have twins, it was just a extensive amount of stress and I knew it wasn't good for the baby...Or babies according to Papá. I lay on my bed listening to music and then I start reminiscing about that one date night me and Camilo had.

4 years ago*
It was my first date with Camilo and I was so nervous I was shaking out of my skin, Camilo made me feel safe and loved in some type of way even though I just met him. I go downstairs to ask Mamá if I looked okay. "Mamá does this look fine?" I said nervously and she smiles and hugs me. "Oh Mija it looks beautiful" She Exclaimed and I slightly blush and smile. "Ooo Y/n has a boyfriend" Cristian teased and I grab a bread roll and throw it at him. "callate pequeño pendejo" I say. "Mamá she's calling me names." He complained. "Stop throwing food and calling each other names you're a teenager and Cristian youre a young adult" Papá said. "Where are you going?" He said. I twist my hips my the red shear on my knee length red dress flow a little. "I have a date Papá." I say all confident and he pokes his bottom lip out and nods his head. "Good Mija I'm glad your stepping out of your shell for the first time in forever." "Rafael this isn't frozen now" my bisabuelo say while struggling to get up and I laugh at what he says. "Abuelo are you eating dinner here?" My mamá says and he holds his free hand up and shakes his head. "No I dont want to burden in on this Amazing Familia." He says and I look at him confused. "bisabuelo you are apart of this family loco" I say and he whispers to me. "If that young gentleman breaks your heart I'll break his head with my cane he says waving it slightly in the air almost losing his balance. "Abuelo!" Mamá Exclaims and he starts laughing. "I got you nieta" He says doing a little dance. "Abuelo that's not funny" I laugh a little. "It kinda was Mamá." "Yeah Catalina you should've seen the look on your face" He says mocking the face she made and she smacks his arm "My face did not look like that" she says and she has a offended look on her face. "It kinda did Mamá" Cristian says and she hits him in the head with a rolled up news paper. "Ah Mamá" She raises her eyebrows. "Next time don't agree with your father because you'll end up getting hit just not as hard." "Ouch" Papá says. The door bell rings and I knew it was for me and Cristian was about to get up. "Keep your behind in that chair" I say so he won't embarrass me. "Mamá are you sure I look okay?" I say nervously. "You look beautiful bisnieta, just like your mother at that age" I smile and he kisses the top of my head. I love my Bisabuelo he's 92 but he's still walking around like he's 22 again.

I open the door and there stood a 5'4 frame that was like 4-5 inches taller then me. "Hola Hermosa" He takes my hand and plants a kiss on top of it then looking back up at me. "Hola señora Catalina and Señor Rafael and Señor Marcus." He greets my parents a bisabuelo. "I promise I'll bring her home in one piece." He says and Bisabuelo raises his cane up. "You better not break her heart young man." "I would never Señor" He says assuring him. "Have a great night cari-" Mamá was starting to say. "Yeah with your boyfriend" Cristian teased again interrupting her. As we shut the door we hear Mamá yelling at him and Camilo chuckles. "So where are we going?" I asked and he boops my nose and smiles. "That's for me to know and for you to... Dot, Dot, Dot" He says and I blush when he does that. We walk up on a hill underneath a big oak tree and there was a picnic spot illuminated by candles. There was Arepas, Fruit, and buñuelos. "Camilo how sweet of you."  I say and he smiles. "Anything for you Bonita." He kisses my cheek and my face heats up as I felt the redness creep across my face. We sit down and we start eating and telling each other things about our selves. "So Amor..What do you do during your free time?" He asked with curiosity. "Um I Draw and I play with Miguel." I say and he looks up from his food. "Well I'll love to meet Miguel one day" He says and I give him a blank expression. "Yeah Miguel will probably eat your face off" he looks at me funny. "Miguel is the family dog and he hates strangers." He nods his head. "Oh.. well remind me to never piss off your dog" He says and I laugh. Me and him lay down to look up at the stars and moon and we felt tiny little rain drops kiss our face and he sits up helping me up. "Come on let's get to shelter before you get soaking wet" Me and start running looking for shelter, we were in the middle of the woods so. We come across the bridge and I stop. The moonlight showed his Emerald green eyes and the water running down his face. "Why did you stop?" He asked and I built up all of my courage to do and say this. "So I can do this" I walkup to him smashing my lips into his cupping his cheeks, he was hesitant at first but he kisses me back wrapping his arms around my waist while pulling me closer. We kiss for awhile then it gets interrupted by thunder. "Come on Hermosa" He says. He walks me back to my house and we were soaked. "Don't get my floors wet Y/n stay right there." Abuelo says as he went to go get me and Camilo towels. "I'll have clothes laid out on your bed and Camilo you can wear a pair of Cristians and stay the night here on the couch." Mama says. "Yeah if I catch anything else below the neck sunny. Your ass is grass." My Bisabuelo says. "Bisabuelo don't scare him way" I say. "MOM WHAT ABOUT MIGUEL!" Cristian yelled from upstairs. "It could be a 1 percent chance that he'll bite you." I say while giving him an unsure look.

My reminisce gets interrupted by a knock on my door. God dang did anyone know how to leave me alone.

1294 words.
Yayyyy sorry it took so long I had a little blockage this morning so it's 9:48 I'll post something after this that's way different then the story it'll be a short story for y'all too wait and I hope you enjoy both of them. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it's almost at 40 chapters I think I'll end it and make book 2 around..... 60-55 chapters maybe. MAYBE! Don't count me on that. I hope you had or have a good afternoon/ night/ morning and I love you all <3

camilosgirl Sansru

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