Chapter 26

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*1 Week later*

It's been one week since the stuff in Kansas went down. No one has been looking for Sofia at all so that's good and me and Cristian hadn't even talk about it...we never brought it back up. I felt bad for what I did but she deserved it. I have been nauseous all week and all I want to do is eat and my face is bloated and it's gross but Camilo thinks it's fine.

"Are you okay Amor? This is like the what 10th time you done puked today?" I nod my head as I slide down the bathroom wall sitting there wiping my mouth. "I'm fine Camilo-" I started to say as I puked again. "Y/n when your done come with me" I hear Dolores say. "Okay" I say waving her off because I looked disgusting, to be honest I didn't even want Camilo in there but he wouldn't leave my side. "Awe Baby you can't be sick tomorrow is Valentine's day." He says while rubbing my back. I stand up and I clean up the mess I made and I flush the toilet and brush my teeth. "Camilo it's probably something I ate" I say while brushing my teeth and he moves my hair to the side and he starts softly kissing my neck. "Well you better start feeling better by tomorrow Amor or I won't be able to give you your own special gift" I look at him in the mirror and I see him wink and I start to blush so I quickly brush my teeth and I run out of the bathroom...well try to but he grabs my hand and pulls me in to where my face is close to his."You don't have to hide that beautiful face of yours when you blush Mi Amor" he says while kissing my cheek and I walk out of the bathroom to find Dolores. "Y/n over here" I look in the kitchen and see Dolores standing in the door way and I go up to her and she hands me a glass of water. "Drink" I was very confused. "Drink we're going to have you take a pregnancy test" I spit out my water not on her thankfully and I wipe my mouth. "What!?" "Look you're nauseous, you have morning sickness, you've been eating a lot like I hear you come down here like every hour of the night, you're bloated, and it's the second week of February so has your period happen this month?" I shake my head no. "But it's because I have it at the end of the month." She looks at me and she shakes her head. "Did you have it last month then?" She asked me and then it occurred to me...No I haven't actually I look at Dolores and she smiles. "Look late periods happen all the time but just incase go take a pregnancy test." She smiles while handing it to me and I take it from her. "Fine" I go up to the bathroom and...I'm sure you all know how a pregnancy test works. When I get finished I wash my hands so now it's time to wait 3 minutes.

I walk back downstairs and I see that Dolores and Antonio are trying to keep Camilo from coming upstairs. "Why can't i go upstairs?" Camilo asked and Antonio looks at me the back at Camilo. "Because Y/n doesn't feel good and she doesn't need you suffocating her" my eyes widen and Camilo's mouth drops. "Antonio!" Dolores says and Parce sees me and he runs up to my rubbing his head on my leg and purring. "I'm only kidding Camilo" Antonio says and He runs over to me and I go to pick him up. "Don't think about picking him up" Dolores said and me and Antonio both say "Why!" And Dolores points to her stomach while Camilo was looking at me. "You know why" right Incase I am pregnant WHICH IM NOT I can't be lifting heavy things. "Right Dolores." I say sitting down on the steps and Parce tries to lay on my lap and I just keep petting him. "So what are you and Cristian doing for Valentine's day?" She shrugs her shoulders and then Antonio whispers in my ear quite enough to where Camilo can't hear. "Are you and Camilo going to give me a niece or nephew like Dolores?" I look at Dolores and then back at Antonio. "I guess we just have to wait and see." It's been three minutes so I head back up to the bathroom and I look at the test. "Alright... One line it's negative, two is positive..." I had my eyes close and I pick it up and I flip it around and I slowly open my eyes looking down and what I saw shocked me...It was two bold blue lines, I mean...there's a chance it could be a false positive right?

I felt tears beginning to form and fall down my cheeks and I sit down in the floor and Dolores comes in. "So..? What is it?" She asked and I handed it to her with my head in my knees and she screams and hugs me. "Oh my god! Now this means we can go shopping together and pick out baby names together and- she stopped because of what I said. "What if Camilo doesn't want the baby?" I say looking at her with mascara below my eyes. "Awe...Y/n Querida I thought the same thing with your brother and I know my brother he loves you and he would do anything to make you happy and if the baby makes you happy then... Keep her, Or him you know but probably her." She says while smiling then she rubs my back. "Do you not remember what he said to you during his proposal?" I nod my head. "He said he would love to start a family just not at the moment but if it comes sooner then expect then he'll still be here for every step of the way" I said wiping my eyes and sniffling. "that's when are you going to tell him?" I have no idea."Maybe tomorrow or the next day"  She nods her head. "Fix your eyes so he can't tell you were crying and don't worry your secret is safe with me." She says and I use makeup remover to wipe away the runny mascara and I take the test from the sink and I hide it in my bag and I walk down to Camilo. "Hey Mi Amor" I say to him and wipes underneath my eyes. "What happened?" It's like a superpower or something because it never fails he always figures if I was crying or somehow. "Nothing I.. I'll tell you soon okay" He brushes my cheek with his thumb and I look down and he lifts my head up by place his thumb and index finger on my chin. "I love you" I tell him and he kisses me softly. "I love you too Mi Amor and nothing will ever make me stop loving you"

1206 words.

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