Chapter 54

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I woke up and checked my phone and it read. "9:30 AM" I started freaking out because I had to take the kids to school. I get straight out of bed and almost fall. "Fuck" I whispered to myself. I put on random clothes on and I head downstairs

"Hey, baby. Did you take the kids to school?" I asked and he nodded his head. "Mhm. I didn't want to wake you." He returns back to cooking breakfast "Whatcha cooking-" I get cut off but someone is knocking on the door. "I got it." I walked over and I opened it. "How can I-" I saw who it was and I rolled my eyes and I tried to shut the door. Unfortunately he stopped it with a brute force of his hand and he looked up at me. "Slamming the door in my face isn't an option little one." "What the hell do you want?" I asked him and he just casually sticks his hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders. "Just thought i would stop by and see how my favorite H/c is doing." his smile faded when his eyes darted behind me. "Yeah well you're not welcome here." Camilos stern voice chimed into the conversation, with one hand around my waist and the other on the door frame. "Mm. You're married now?" He asked. "She sure is, now run along before I beat the hell out of you." "Hey..please leave." I begged him. "You changed." I chuckled a little bit. "What? You thought I would come running back to you with open arms? No Marcus! Now get the hell out of my face, and I never want to see you again."

I slammed the door and ran back to the kitchen. "That's Marcus!?" Camilo asked, while I was tending to the almost burning food. "Babe?" I looked up at him. "Yes..yes that's Marcus." (I don't remember if the dudes name was Marcus or not 😭) "How do these people keep finding you?" I assumed he was joking but he wasn't. "Love..I don't know. I mean Marcus knew about this place, Robbie knew about this place. They knew where I was from, they knew." I sighed a little and he comes up behind me and I feel his hands on my shoulders. "It's okay beautiful" the food gets done cooking and he just pushes it to the side and he turns me around. "What Camilo?" he looks me up and down. "I want another kid." he says and I start laughing. "I'm not joking, I've always wanted to have a huge family with you." I stop laughing a little. "You're being serious?" he nodded his head. "Oh..." "Do you not want anymore children?" I sit at the kitchen table. "It's not that...It's just-" I let a deep breath out. "Toni almost died when she was born..if that happens again to this baby...I don't know what I would do if our child actually died."  He hugs me. "Baby, she didn't die. She's alive and well." "But she almost did."  he pulled away from the hug and looks at me. "It's not like I don't want another one...I'm just scared." he kisses my forehead. "Don't be baby girl." he takes my hand and he leads me to the bathroom.

"What are we doing in here?" he goes over to the bathtub and he run hot water, mixing in bath salts and soap. "I'm letting you feel relaxed." he approaches me and he pulls me in. "You're so beautiful." he tucks a piece of loose hair behind my ear and cups my cheek. "What are you trying to get at?" he picks me up by my ass and sits me on the bathroom counter. "Can I not call you beautiful?" he kisses my lips and pulls my body closer to his. "Are you trying to turn me on?" I mumbled into the kiss. He grips my ass making me shut up. "I'm just trying to let my beautiful wife relax." He smirked at me. He gets me off the counter and he starts pulling my shirt over my head. "Damn how are you mine?" He started to kiss my shoulders and then my chest, slowly moving down to my breast, then he slowly gets down to his knees, kissing all down my stomach.  He pulls my shorts down, along with my panties. He started kissing up my inner thigh until I feel his nose brush up against my clit. He slowly stands up while sticking his fingers in me. "Camilo, what are you doing?" "Just trying to make you feel good baby" I push him away not trying to give in. "Well stop." I hopped off the counter and went over to the almost overflowing tub. "Ever since Toni was born you never want to do anything fun." he scoffed. I looked over in his direction, wrapping a towel around my body. "Excuse me? I'm sorry that we're actually adults now and we can't be fooling around like we did when we were kids, that's how Valentina and Andrés got here!" "So you regret having the twins?" "Of course not!" "Then what are you trying to say!?" "I don't want a another kid Camilo! I only wanted two...I can't even stress enough about us moving because we have to put our son first. We have to move because he's getting bullied so bad because of your stupid little family's tradition shit." "Oh are you jealous because you don't have one" he mocked. I shoved past him and walk to our bedroom. "Don't ignore me!" I turn around and snapped. "I can do whatever I want." I slammed the door in his face and put actual clothes on.

I storm out of the bedroom and I go to Toni's room. "Hey sweetheart." I pick her up. "How are you this morning baby." she smiled and giggled. "Gooddd." I smiled right back at her. "That's good pumpkins." I sit her down. "Where we going mommy?" I started picking out her outfit. "Mmm I don't know yet." I go to help her take off her clothes. "No I do it." "You do it?" "I do it." I sit in her rocking chair. "Go ahead Miss do it yourself." she tries to do it herself but struggles to get it over her head. "Do you need help?" "No I do it." I laughed and I just sit there. "Mama? Help!" I went over there and helped take off and put on her clothes. "Now what do we say?" "Tank youu." "You're welcome." she slides her shoes on and she grabs my finger. We walk out of her bedroom and downstairs. "Where are my two beautiful girls going?" Camilo asked like we just didn't argue. "Out." I opened the door and we start walking towards the park. "We're going to the park!!!?" she excitedly says. "Yes babe we're going to the park." She makes me start skipping with her and then as soon as we get to the park she runs off. "Be careful little one."

I sit on the bench and watch her carefully and she runs and plays around. "She's a lot like you." I don't even have to look to see who it is. "What do you honestly want from me?" "I'm happy for you that's all. You changed, in a good way. You went from being a drug addict schizo, to a...wonderful, sober...beautiful wife and mother. I'm glad to see you got better." I looked over at him. "That or die." I playfully laughed but he didn't find it funny. "Where's the lucky man at?" "He's at home..." "How come?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Marcus, how did you find me?" "You're little gay friend." "Charles?" he nodded his head. "He always complained how you, the only one that accepted him for being gay, how you would move away leaving him to defend the bullies for himself." "Why do you still remember me?" he shrugged his shoulders. "You're kinda hard to forget."

Um 1350 words
Sorry I ghosted everyone 😭

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