Chapter 19

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I wasn't that hungry so I just grabbed a muffin, we have a lot of muffins because I can't survive if I don't have muffins. "Look can be mad at me and Cristian if you want I just need to know if you're okay or've been really moody" I turn around and look at him. "Yeah I've been moody thanks for pointing that out." I roll my eyes and I walk out of the kitchen. "What is wrong with you hermana?" "Nothing Cristian why does everyone think something is wrong with me" there was something wrong with me, The longer I stayed In abuelos house the more upset I got about him being gone. He was healthy person so him just dying put of nowhere bothered me so bad. Cristian and Camilo were in the kitchen talking either about me or Dolores so I sneak out the door and they didn't notice. I walk to the hospital he was kept at for the few days we were here.

"Hey doctor..." it was embarrassing because I didn't didn't know the doctors name. "Masters.. I'm doctor masters." I smile and nod my head. "Right masters anyways I heard that you did a autopsy on my abuelo..Luis L/n" He looks at me and he pulls me aside. "Look kid I'm sorry for your lost but did your abuelo live alone." I was confused but I slowly nod my head. "Does he have security cameras" I nod my head again and he puts his hands on my shoulders and I give him a disgusted look and he quickly takes them off. "Lo siento anyways we found poison in his blood stream so check the cameras see if anyone was there with him and when you do call the Departamento de Policia" I nod my head once again I swear if I nod it anymore its going to fall off my head but was he suggesting that my abuelo was murdered?

I start walking back to my house and when I get there Camilo attacks me with a big hug and kisses all over my face. "Amor where did you go? We were so worried because you weren't answering your phone-" I pat his shoulder moving him to aside. "Yeah yeah Camilo we'll talk in a minute I have to go do something" I go down to the basement where the security room was and I check through the footage between the night before he was found and after his funeral. I was checking through the footage and then I see someone at the front door camera and I pause it and zoom in and when I saw it tears came to my eyes and I was on the verge of crying right there and then. The person at the door was sofía and she claimed to mamá that she was in Canada but she was in Columbia the whole time. I fast forward through and they were just sitting in the kitchen talking and talking then she gets up and goes over to the teapot and put something in his cup, I couldn't see what it was but after that she left and then the next half hour he was down...on the ground where he was found the next day. I stand up slowly and I dropped to my knees and I started crying. I hear the door open and through my blurred vision I saw camilos figure. I reach my arms out to him and he comes and picks me up on my feet and hugs me tightly. "What happened Amor?" I didn't manage to say much through my cries all I managed to say was "Sofía....killed" and that was it. I did manage to point towards the monitor and he sits my down on the couch that was down there and he goes over and watches the same thing that I did.

Once Camilo comes back over to me I saw he had tears in his eyes and he just sits down with me and hugs me tighter and I bury my head into his chest and I cry harder, Like why would Sofía kill Abuelo? What did she think she'll get out of his death? Then I remembered the house, as soon as mamá said she was going to sell the house here comes Sofía acting all innocent. I needed to tell mamá and tía and Cristian...but I didn't know how too. "Why would Sofía kill her own grandfather" I shrug my shoulders and I wipes my tears away with his shirt and it was all soaked in that one spot. "Sorry" He strokes my hair and kisses the top of my head. "Its Okay Amor let it all out" Cristian comes down and I look at him. "What's going on...?" He says and I do the same thing I did with Camilo. And when he sees it he picks up a chair and throws it at the wall and I flinch and he starts crying...I knew he would take it hard... harder then I took it because Abuelo was Cristians best friend and now that he knows his own sister murdered him...He was furious.

We decided to wait awhile to tell mamá but we told the police department in Canada where she was staying immediately. I hope she would get arrested and put away forever, I emailed the footage to the police department as proof and next thing we know she was on the news 'Broadway Actress Arrested For killing her grandfather' Me and Cristian was in each other's arms and it felt good to see that She got what she deserved. A few minutes later my phone was ringing and it was mamá I hesitated to answer but I did and I hear her and Tía bawling their eyes out.

982 words.
It's a tad bit shorter then the others I'm just crying a lot right now because of reasons but I hope you enjoyed this and sorry it's emotional.

Friends to Lovers (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin