Chapter 25

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WARNING:This chapter contains blood, knives, violence, vomit and I think that's it. If you don't want to read this I understand but for those who do read it... Enjoy.

"Did you find out where she was staying?" He nods his head and shows me the computer. "Kansas?" He nods his head slowly moving his computer back. "Mhm Kansas city to be more exact" He stands up. "Are you sure you still want to do this?" No I'm not sure actually but... I dont know what else to do. "Yep-" "Good, pack a few things I already booked us a flight it's leaving in 40 minutes." He says running to his bedroom. "Great" I say quietly going to my bedroom to pack gloves, a different pair of clothes and that's it. I assume that we'll only be there for a few hours.

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I yell and Cristian comes in. "Are you almost ready?" He says and I hesitate to answer. "Are you okay?" I nod my head and I grab my suitcase. "Alright so we'll buy everything when we get there because of airport security then we'll go to her house check to see if there's any surveillance, If there is we have to buy mask and we have to make sure her lover boy isn't there so we'll watch outside their house tonight then when he goes to work that's when we'll know to make our move." I nod my head to it and it seems like he's done this before but I know he hasn't. We get to the car and he puts my stuff in the car and I get in the driver's seat. "No I'm driving" He said then I shut the door and lock it. "No you're not bourbon breath now get in" He rolls his eyes and he gets in on the passenger side. "This is a three day job you know?" I buckle my seat belt and adjust the seat. "I know" I say adjusting the rear view mirror.

*skip to Kansas bc I said so*

We arrive at Kansas and we go to her address and we observe the house looking for any security cameras and good thing she didn't have no cameras nor neighbors. "Now we have to see when Lover boy leaves." Cristian says and it makes me jump because I was so concentrated. "So who's staying up?" It was around well.... it was very late the only light we had was from the street lamps. "I will" He says. I lay my head on the steering wheel and slowly fall asleep. The next morning I wake up and I hear birds chirping and I yawn and stretch. My head was pounding probably from not eating for awhile or how I slept. I look at my phone and it was around 11 and I see Her boyfriend leave and I smack Cristian to wake him up and he jumps up. "What" He says with a groggy tone and I roll my eyes. "Well first you were supposed to be watching and second he leaves at 11." I tell him and he nods his head and rubs his sleepy eyes. "Okay so stay here and I'll go by us two a knife okay? Okay." He hops out of the car and starts walking to the store that was about a mile or two away from here. I look closer to see if there is any cameras and there wasn't not unless they were hidden but if they were we can both delete the footage from the time we enter and the time we left. 20 minutes pass by and I hear a bang on the window and I jump. "Sorry" Cristian says as he gets back in the car. "God damn Cristian you have to stop doing that." I tell him and I put my gloves on and he hands me a knife. "Sorry...You seem a bit paranoid-" He says and I interrupt him quickly. "Yeah well I don't wanna ruin my life." I say quickly and I get out of the car and I put the knife in my back pocket. "Let's get this over with." I tell him.

We walk to the front door and I knock on the door. 'Coming!' We hear from inside and we hear footsteps get closer to the door and she opens it. "Hiya sis" I say and she looks shocked and Cristian pushes her in the house while walking in. "May we come in?" She looks at me and I smile. "Thank you" I say while walking in and locking the door. "What do you two want?" She asked and me and Cristian look at each other then her. "Well sis...You killed the person we loved the most, And you hurt Mamá very badly-" "Do you think I care what Mamá feels" She says while interrupting him. "Woah...Who said you can talk" I say while pulling the knife out and she has a scared look on her face and I smile and she runs. "THEY ALWAYS RUN!" Cristian yells and I shake my head and I run after her pulling her by her hair and putting the knife to her throat. "Alright...You guys got me, you really scared the shit out of me now let me go Hermanita" I pull her hair harder while Cristian picks a different knife up. "I like this one better but anyways back to you." He says pointing it at her. "You don't understand how much pain you put us through" He says while stabbing her in the leg and she screams out. "Y/n...Come on I know your better then this let me go and I'll only say Cristian did it and you tried to say my life" I shake my head and I make a little cut on her collar bone. "I don't rat out family...well besides you of course" I say while smiling and she's crying. "Okay I get it I was wrong for-" "YOU WERE WRONG FOR KILLING ABUELO? Yeah you were and then your lover boy just bailed you out like you were innocent" He stabs her in the stomach and I feel nauseous from seeing all that blood. "You know how bad a death can mentally fuck up a person." He says while laughing but crying and she was crying too. "My boyfriend will find the cameras and then report you two fuckers-" I cut a deep cut in her cheek. "That's why you're not going to be here when he gets home" I say while whispering in her ear. "And we'll take care of the camera situation won't we Hermana?" He asked me and I nod my head. "You two are crazy as fuck!" She yells and I stab her in her thigh and She screams. "Oh I know we are" Cristian says while stabbing her in the stomach one last time and blood comes gushing out and I throw up everywhere. "Come one Y/n... Throwing up wasn't apart of the plan!" He whines and complains. "Shut the fuck up I know it wasn't...I'll clean it up" I tell him and he slices Her neck open and it comes out everywhere and it gets on my face and I push her to the floor. "....Now let's clean this up now that you got what you wanted" I tell him I take the knife he had and had before and wash it off along with mine and put it in the knife rack so it looks normal, then I cleaned the blood and vomit up really good so it would never leave a trace back to me and Cristian. I wiped off everything we have or could've touched and then I write a note since people said our hand writing looked alike. 'Dear Jonathan...I really wished this worked out but it didn't, so I decided to move away far away actually. I'm not telling anyone where I'm going because I'm going to go start a new life...I love you and take care. -Sofía' I take the pen and put in my pocket while Cristian got rid of her body making sure no one found her and that was taking her out back...cutting her into pieces with a chainsaw and burying her in the woods. While he was doing that I go to take care of the security footage and she tricked us...there were no cameras at all. Cristian gets back and he was bloody and muddy. I couldn't say anything because I was bloody too. "Alright here's what we're going to do. Don't touch anything without using a piece of cloth or something. Then turn the hose on and spray us down and we'll change in the shed." He nods his head and I look at him. "did you clean the chainsaw?" He nods his head again and we do everything just like how I said and there wasn't a finger print anywhere that can lead her disappearence to us.  After everything, such as... Wiping things down, not touching anything without using a piece of cloth, Cleaning ourselves off, cleaning up everything and then we walk and drive away undetected.

1520 words. I'm sorry if this made anyone uncomfortable reading this but should've read the warning Bruh bruh anyways just to clarify you and Cristian will not get caught at all...not even In future. So I hope you enjoyed this murderous chapter I started writing this at 7 and now it's 8:32 so it took me a hour an a half to write this so I hope you have a good night/morning/ afternoon and 26 will be out later. I love you all

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