Chapter 23

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Me and him started kissing and the kiss turns into a make out. He moves his hands down from my hips to my ass and he licks my bottom lip wanting access to slip it in. Once I grant him access his tongue explores my mouth while he moves his hands slowly up my body to unzip my dress and while he was doing do I was grinding against him and I heard his muffled groans and as soon as he grabs on to the zipper and flashlight gets shined in our faces.

"What are you two doing here the beach is close" The beach security yells at us. "Oh shit.." Camilo says and I quickly get off of him. "I'm going to have to call your parents because you two are trespassing right now." The security says and Camilo touches my shoulder and moves his hand down to my hand and whispers in my ear "run" I look at him confused. "What!?"  I say a little bit too loud. "Run!" He says loudly and he starts running pulling me with him. We hear the security yell after us as we run to the car. He opens my door quickly and I get in and he shuts it quickly. I look over to his side as he quickly gets in and we see the flashlight from the security in the distance, Camilo starts the car and he speeds off before we could get caught and he was laughing a little and I look at him. "You are a bad influence you know" He puts his hand back on my thigh and slowly moves it to my inner thigh. "It's fun to be scandalous sometimes Amor" He smiles at me and He puts his eyes back on the road and I go to watch my phone but it was on 1% like the worst thing ever because I haven't even put a charger in the car yet.

It's about 2 Am when we get back from the beach and when he parks the car I get out and I walk in the house and Casita welcomes me and I was very tired. "Hola Casita..." Casita moves me from the front door to camilo's room and I open the door and walk in and fall on Camilo's bed and I immediately fall asleep. I wake up because I feel Camilo get in bed and I cuddle with him. "Do you want a pair of pajamas Amor?" He asked me and I nod my head. He gets me a pair of his sweat pants and a shirt. I change into them and I throw my dress across the room and I lay back down on the bed and he cuddles back up with me and then I fall back asleep.

The next morning...well afternoon. It was like 1 pm when I woke up Camilo was gone but I'm guessing he just got up before me. I brush my hair and I go to the bathroom to use the toothbrush he gotten for me incase I stayed the night. I brush my teeth and when I get done I noticed my stomach look bloated so I pulled my shirt up and looked at my stomach and yeah it was bloated all right. It could've been from anything, from what I ate last night or well I don't know. I walk downstairs and I see Camilo playing with Antonio and his Animals. I smile at the sight of it and Camilo notices me "Hey Mi Amor, did you sleep well?" I nod my head yes while I was petting Antonio's jaguar that came over to me. "Hey y/n" Antonio says to me. "Hey buddy how are you?" I asked him and he just sits there and pets his capybara. "Good what about you?" He asked and he still had his baby voice from last time. "I'm amazing you know I wish I could talk to animals." I tell him and he just smiles. "It's fun because you can see what they're thinking and everything else and it's amazing." He tells me and I hear Julietas voice. "Hey y/n I made Some corn nuggets do you want some?" I nod my head and she motions me to come to the kitchen.

When I get in the kitchen she gives me a bowl of them and I take a bite from one slowly because they were hot. "So how is Catalina doing?" I look up and I look back down swallowing my food. "Um she's doing Better sorta we just found out how Abuelo died so her and Tía Carolina are a bit devastated." She nods her head and she turns around to start making more food. "You know I lost my father when I was just a baby." She says and I look up putting my bowl down. "I know I heard and I'm sorry" She shakes her head as she pats the flour on her apron. "Don't be Querida it's fine" I pick my bowl back up eating a couple more corn nuggets and she turns around and looks at me. "Congratulations on being a aunt to your brothers child with my Niece." She says and I go to say something but I realize I had food in my mouth so I quickly chew it and swallow it. "thank you Señora Julieta." I tell her and she nods her head smiling at me and then I see a look on her face like a idea just clicked. "There's a valentine's party next week I want you to help me cook for it." I put my hands up and I step back a little. "Whoa Julieta I can't cook like you... Actually I can't even cook that well" she takes the empty bowl from me and sit in the sink and takes both of my hands. "I can teach you if you want" She says and she sees that I give her an unsure look and she nods her head telling me it was fine. "I'm sure you'll be a brilliant cook"

"Let me think about it" I tell her not knowing what else to say.

"Of course and just know I'm not forcing you to do anything" she says smiling and walking back over to the food and I go back to the courtyard where Antonio and Camilo was playing. Antonio was gone but Camilo was still there picking up Antonio's toys. "Where did he go?" I asked and he looks up and me and stands up grabbing me and pulling me closer "My clothes look nice on you Amor" He says while smirking and I blush a little. "Where did Antonio go?" I asked again. "Oh he went to go take a nap for a little." He tells me and I kiss his cheek. "You are a very good big brother Camilo" I whispered to him and he brings his hand up and brushes my cheek with his thumb. "You know he loves you to death right?" I shake my head because I really didn't know I thought he only liked my Primo Sebastián. "No I didn't know-" He interrupts me and he holds both of my hands. "He loves you to death...and I love you too death. Y/n this whole family loves you and your brother like your apart of our family so...Isabela, Casita Help me out" I see flowers grow everywhere and the light dim like it was late at night but it was early afternoon. It was a romantic scene and then I see Camilo smile and I feel something nudge my back so I turn around and see Antonio's jaguar. I start petting it and then it looks behind me and runs away. I turn around to see what parce saw but when I turn around I see Camilo on one knee. "Amor...When I first saw you I could tell you were the one, I loved you and when you moved away I never stopped loving you. I waited for you hoping you would show up and you did. I promise I'll be there for your ups and downs and everything else. You've made me the happiest man on earth believe it or not, Not at the moment but whenever the time does occur I would love to have children with you and if it happens sooner then expected then Baby I'll be there for you every step of the way. I'll never make you feel like you're alone." He pulls out a ring box and opens it and grabs my left hand and gently plants plants kiss on the top and he looks at me and his eyes glisten from tears. "Will you Marry me?" I didn't know what to say, this whole thing had me speechless...But I do know is that I felt tears running down my face and he just stands there hoping I'll say the right answer...

1503 words.
The moment has finally happen but what will you say? Yes? No? Let me think about it? I guess you'll find out when you read Chapter 24.
This was supposed to be posted last night but I fell asleep and I also make typos when I'm tired bc as you can see last Chapter I put oder instead of order but I fixed it.
I hope you all enjoyed this Chapter and I hope you're enjoying the book. Have a good Afternoon/ Morning/ Night and I Love You All. <3

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