Chapter 16

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I answer it and when I hear his voice I shivered with cringe. "Hi Robbie.." Now you must be wondering 'Who Is Robbie?" Camilo was wondering the same thing. "Hey beautiful" he said and I roll my eyes and I answer him back. "What do you want?" I see Camilo looking at me like 'what the hell is going on' "just to tell you happy birthday of course and that I miss you." I pinch the bridge of my nose and I shake my head. "I miss you too Rob now bye" I hang up before he can say anything else. "Who the hell is Robbie!?" Camilo asked me without trying to yell... He was mad and I could tell. "Camilo he's just a-" He interrupts me and he stands up off the couch shaking his head in disbelief like I done something wrong. "You said there was no one else" I nod my head and quickly respond. "Yeah Camilo I said that.." He raises his voice. "So you lied to me!?" I shake my head no and I get up and try to grab his hands but he pulls them away. "I didn't lie to you Camilo." I'm trying to keep my cool, I'm like my brother I just don't have blackouts. "Then who is Robbie!?" He gets more and more angry by the minute and I didn't like it.. "Like I tried to say before you rudely interrupted me, Robbie is a guy that is obsessed with me...He has pictures of me, He knows my birthday, Where I lived, Where I slept, Where I was originally from, And you think he's some kind of ex?" I finally told him because I knew he would've probably lost it. His face goes soft and he grabs my hands but I pull them back just like he did minutes ago. "Amor I am..Im so so sorry what can I do to make it up to you?" I shake my head and I grab a jacket while opening the front door. "Just give me some space."

I start walking to his house to see Mirabel but her and Julietas side of the family is gone on vacation so I just ran into Bruno. "Sorry Señor Bruno" He leads me to the stairs to sit down and he puts his hand on my shoulder. "Wanna talk about it kid?" I nod my head and I tell him everything honestly it felt good to get out, and he said something that definitely blew my mind. "I was just like camilo when your mom brought up Rafael" I looked at him crazy and he noticed it and he nods his head. "Yeah like 28 years ago me and your mom had a thing and then she met Rafael and she always talked about him and then one day she ended up pregnant and I thought it was mine and then when Sofía was born she looked exactly like your dad and I was so upset." He said all in one breath and I just sat there...looking stupid because my mouth was hung wide open. "Mamá and Papá have been together almost 27 ye..." I finally realized that they got married when Sofía was a baby. I felt bad for Bruno... He thought he could've had a family but my mom was... Just a cheater They were both 43, Mamá and Papá are. "Bruno I'm so sor-" He cuts me off and shrugs his shoulders. "Its alright kid you had nothing to do with it that was 7 years before you were even born" he gets up slowly and ruffles my hair. "Happy birthday kid." I cringed at the fact that my mom and Bruno were together but yet Cristian and Dolores are together and me and Camilo are together...I guess that's where we get our taste for the madrigals from.

I let what Bruno just told me sink in before getting up and walking home. When I get home I see Camilo sitting on the couch and he runs up to me and hugs me. "Amor I'm so glad your okay, where did you go? I've been trying to call you." I pointed at the recliner. "That's where my phone was and me and your Tío Bruno vented to each other." He raises one eyebrow and I shake my head and smile. "Don't worry about it" I take my shoes off and I lay on the couch. "Are you okay Amor?" I shake my head no. "I'm tired and I don't feel good." I felt his arms wrap around me and his head resting on my back. "Need me to do anything about it love?" I push him off and then I hear a thud in the floor. "Sorry! I was hot I didn't mean to push you off it the floor" he gets up rubbing his head and I kiss the spot he was rubbing and he kisses me softly. "It's fine Amor I pretty much deserve it after what I did earlier and I'm sorry for that just my jealousy took into action." I smile and I Take my jacket off and I pull away. "Sorry it's really hot in here." He gets up out of the floor and goes over to check the thermostat. "It's only 70 degrees" I look at him like he's crazy and he points at it wanting me to go look. "That's too hot!" I complained while walking back over to the couch and plopping down. "Amor are you sure your okay? Are you sick?" He says coming over to me while feeling my forehead. His hands were freezing and they felt good against my burning skin. "I'm fine Camilo" I tell him and he doesn't believe me so he gets the thermometer and takes my temperature. "100.4, Amor you have a fever" I look at him. "But I'm not sick camilo I feel fine I'm just really hot" It was like a trigger because as soon as I said those words I felt sick so I grabbed the trash can next to the couch and vomited.

1022 words.
I finally ate something even tho it made me feel sick I hate this chapter sm for some reason but I promise your not pregnant at all!
Thank you for caring so much about me I literally love ever single one of y'all so much words can't even explain especially these two camilosgirl  dxddy_edgy_envy

If you have any suggestions lmk!!

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