Chapter 24

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I nod my head yes and I used my free hand to wipe my tears away. "Yes...A million times yes." I smile and he puts the ring on my finger and he stands up and cups my cheeks and kisses me. "I love you Y/n L/n" He kisses me again and I look up and I see Dolores standing and smiling at the top of the staircase. "She's going to tell everyone.." I look back at Camilo and he smiles and nods his head. "But it's alright Amor-" We get Interrupted by Abuela Alma. "Now we have more chances to have more miracles now that you and your brother are both getting married to my beloved grandchildren." She says and I turn around and I roll my eyes so she couldn't see, like could she not be happy that her grandson is getting married, no she's just worried about how many miracles we can give her. "Thanks for congratulating us Abuela" He tells her with a aggravated tone. "Oh yeah Congratulations y/n and Camilo" she walks away and he turns to me. "I'm so sorry about that Amor." He tells me while kissing my cheek and then we get trampled over by Pepa and Félix. "Y/n welcome to the Familia Cariño" Pepa says excitedly and she goes over to Camilo and kisses all over his face. "Mamá" he says embarrassed and he wipes his face. "I'm sorry Mijo I'm just very proud of finally did it!" She said and she has a cloud forming over her head. "Amor youre gonna get them all wet" Félix says as he shoos the cloud away. "Mijo..Y/n I'm very proud of both you and-" Pepa interrupts him. "Y/n Querida you're going to look so beautiful in your wedding dress and Mijo you're going to look so handsome. Oh my god I now have two weddings to plan" She says with a rainbow above her head and She walks away with Félix. "Did she act this way when my brother-" he nods his head. "Okay.." I say immediately and he smiles. "Hey I have to go home and check on Cristian I'll be back later" I kiss his cheek and I go to walk away but he grabs my hand. "Want me to walk you home?" I shake my head no and he kisses my hand. "Okay Mi Amor I'll see you later"

I walk home and when I get there Cristian sitting on the couch. "Are you okay?" He shakes his head no quickly and he stands up and he has a knife in his hand. "Someone bailed Sofía out of jail!" He says and he comes closer to me with the knife and he lifts my chin up with the tip. "She isn't getting what she deserves sis..." I push him away. "I don't care... What do you want me to do about it!" I raise my voice at him and he comes back closer to me. "Watch your tone with me Y/n" He says to me and I take the knife at him and I point it at him. "I'm not Fucking scared of you anymore...I never was" He smirks and looks up at me. "There she is..The one that got expelled in the what...10th grade for stabbing someone with scissors because they said one wrong word to you, slamming someone into a locker for making fun of you." He says while having a crazy smile across his face. "No I left that girl back in the 10th grade I changed-" He smacks his head a few times then punches a wall. "You can change Hermanita but that person is still inside of you." He says while grabbing my arm. "So who bailed her out?" I asked him while taking the knife to the kitchen and he follows. "Some guy she's been screwing named Jonathan or something" He says while sitting at a barstool at the island and I turn around looking at him. "Who would wanna screw that?" I asked and he shrugged his shoulders. "Want revenge on her now?" He says while smirking and I look at him. "I'm engaged are you and you have a baby coming we can't mess up our lives." I tell him thinking he would change his mind but it didn't work. "So you want too but youre scared.." I did want her to feel the pain Abuelo felt but worse then slowly dying from being poisoned...No I want her to feel worse like being stabbed to death or have her neck sliced open or... Maybe both. I shake those thoughts aside. "I'm not scared-"

"Then do it with me...that's if your ballsy enough" He says trying to taunt me and I slam my hands down on the counter. "Fine... Figure out where the hell that bitch is staying and book a flight there" I say storming off and I go back to Casita. "Hey Baby was he okay?" I nod my head but it was a lie. "Yeah he's fine but I'm..I'm going to-" Shit where am I going? "You're going where? I don't understand" I was zoned out but when he said understand I regain my focus. "Oh uh to go to testify against my sister" I tell him trying to act sad and he brushes my cheek with his thumb. "I can come with you Amor" I shake my no. "I can do this alone Amor....I promise I'll be back before valentine's day" He looks confused at me and  then he nods his head in agreement and most likely he would figure out the truth because of Dolores.
I kiss him softly and I cup his cheek. "I Love you" He smiles and places his hand on the one cupping his cheek. "I love you too Mi Amor" I walk away slowly feeling guilty...I didn't like lying to him but I had too....Well no I didnt. I turn around and I go back to him because he was beginning to walk up the stairs. "Camilo can we talk alone?" He nods his head and we walk to his bedroom and I sit on his bed. "What's the matter Amor?" He says while getting on his knees I front of me and holding my hands. I told him the whole story and he just looks at me like im crazy. "That's bad Baby" He says in a soft voice but I ensured him that I wasn't going to let Cristian do anything but he wasn't even worried about that actually. "Amor he came at you with a knife...How about you stay here for a little" He was worried about me being alone with Cristian because lately his blackouts been more frequent. "I'm not scared of him-" I start to say but he interrupts me. "I know you're not...You are a brave woman but I'm scared for you because who knows what he can do to you" I ensure him that I'm fine and I stand up and he stands up with me. "I'll be fine I promise" I tell him even though I might not be fine.

I walk out the door and I walk home and I see Cristian on the laptop doing something.

1229 words.
I hope you loved this and this was supposed to be out yesterday but well I got tired and I really need to expand my vocabulary sometimes but SURPRISE YOU SAID YES. Now the real question is will you go through with the plan of killing sofía? Or will you stop him and put him in a hospital for his own good? Who knows wait I know so you just have to wait. I love you all and have a good afternoon/night/morning.

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