Chapter 41

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"Excuse me Bruno when did this happen!?" I asked him. "...A year before Sofía was born, me and your mamá decided to keep it a secret because well she was 16.. and it would've looked bad for a 23 year old getting a 16 year old pregnant but back then age didn't matter." He says quietly. "How old is?" I asked. "Well if Sofía was still alive she would be 31 so he's 32" I sit down to take it all in. "So...You and Mamí had a kid?" I asked and he nods his head. "Damn...She never told me either so what's his gift?" I asked. "He knows when you're lying just by touching you" "Nice meeting you Joaquin.." I say while walking away because this was crazy 24 years of life I've never experienced anything more crazier...except for killing Sofía...and KaTeRiNa. I got sit next to Camilo and he looks so invested in the tv. "What's wrong Amor?" I asked him. "You know how Kat went missing?" I roll my eyes but I nod my head. "Well they just found her remains." He says and my eyes widen. "Oh my god Camilo...I don't care" I get up and I walk to the nursery to check on Toni and she was awake just laying there and I pick her up and I rock her in the rocking chair. "Hey Toni do you ever feel like daddy doesn't love you?.." I asked her then I thought. "Who am I kidding you can't talk..but I feel like all he cares about is Katerina..But why would that matter to you? Youre just a baby not knowing what's going on in the world." I say with tears forming. "Hey y/n" I hear Dolores say. " Yeah?" I say. "Are you okay?..I heard everything about the half brother, Kat's body, and how you think Cami doesn't love you" "I'm fine Dolores just leave me alone" "okay but can I tell you something?" I nod my head and she says everything. "So...Alma and Katerinas mom and dad arranged for Camilo and her to get married...and she only liked him because he was famous for his gift." She nods her head. "Also he said that he hopes to marry you one day instead of her and guess what?...He did" it felt good to know that but it still hurt that he almost cheated on me.

The day goes by and I pick the twins up from school and their teacher pulls me aside. "Can I have a word with you please Mrs.Madrigal?" I nod my head. "I suggest putting Andrés in homeschool...All he did was cry today because he said that the other kids hated him, I understand he's a madrigal and he has a gift but-" "Ms.Lawhorn may I Inform you that my son's gift is reading minds so I wouldn't be surprised if he said that" I said interrupting her. "I-" "Mhm so I'll talk to him" I say grabbing the twins hands and I take them to the car. "So how was your day babies!" I say. "Good!" Valentína says. "Andrés?" I say looking at him through the mirror. "It was good Mamá" he says. "I know you read the other kids minds today Mijo...Look don't care what they think of you okay." He nods his head and I knew he still thought that. I felt like a bad mom but I honestly didn't know how to help or what to do.

We get back to the house and Andrés storms in the house and I chase after him. "Hey buddy how was school-" "Terrible" He runs up to his bedroom and he slams the door and it scares Pepa and causes her to thunder and the thunder causes Toni to cry. "Oh nieta I'm so so sorry" Pepa says as she goes in the nursery to settle Toni. "What's wrong with him?" Camilo asked me. "He's in an bitchy mood." "Valentína Rose Madrigal where did you learn that kind of language!?" I asked her. "A kid called this other kid that in School!" She says like it was a good thing. "Tína look...Mija that's a bad word and kids your age aren't allowed to say them okay" She smiles. "Okay Papi" She runs off and I sit down across from Camilo and I put my head in my hands. "I'm a terrible mother Camilo" he pulls my hands away from my face and he kisses them both. "No you're not Amor okay..I'll make sure they don't have homework which they're in kindergarten...they shouldn't have homework but anyways I'll see if they have anything they need to get done and I'll talk to Andrés okay." He kisses my forehead and he gets up and leaves to go to their rooms.

Mirabels pov
"Look Isa all I'm saying is you can divorce Mariano now" She turns around and looks at me angerliy. "I had to marry him because Dolores fell out of love with him for Cristian and now I have to be the one to bring miracles to the family!" "Isa! I'm not Abuela I'm not going to keep you into a relationship you don't want and Dolores has one kid and Camilo has three." I say to her and she sits on her bed and looks at me with her eyes filled with tears. "Don't you understand that Tías side of the family has the most terrible gifts ever...Dolores can hear everything she never gets a break, little Cami had identity crisis's when he was younger, Toñito can talk to animals but what if one day that animal doesn't talk back because it's dead... Valentína can talk to the dead so bless that little girl because all she sees is dead people and Andrés can read he can see if people hate him or not! Im the one that needs to bring the good gifts to the family Mirabel!"  She screams at me and I look at her in shock. "Look Isa you can but not with Mariano if you don't want's better to do that then stay with a person you don't love-" "What do you know about love Mira!" She said putting her head into her knees crying and I rub her back because I don't know how to comfort her.

1071 words.
I kinda had no idea where I was going with this but I hope you enjoyed because well I don't know I worked like 2 days on this I think I don't know butttt my apologies if I spelled Mariano wrong and also why does he look like a little bit of Pedro???? And sorry for ending the chapter like this but yup I hope you had an amazing day, night which ever and I love you all so much

Sansru camilosgirl

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