Chapter 40

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Antoinette got to come home after 2 weeks she was healthy now and just a little kicker. I was playing with her on the bed when the twins came in screaming. "Mama!!" They screamed and it startled Toni. "What is it?" I asked while settling down the baby from crying. "Andrés won't stop reading my mind." "Oh it's fine all she ever thinks about is One Direction or Curious George but she won't stop saying there's dead people in my room!" He complained. "There's dead people everywhere Idiot" She said and he looks at me. "Mommmm" He whined and I pinch the bridge of my nose. "Wasn't your dad supposed to take you to school?" They nod their heads. " where is he?" I asked. "He's downstairs eating, he said after we were done eating and getting dressed he'll take us." Andrés says. "No it's 7:40 you need to leave now school starts at 7:55 he needs to stay there for a little while anyways." I pack the diaper bag up and their book bags making sure they had everything. "Do you want your lunch packed?" They nod their heads and I quickly go downstairs and I pack their lunch. "Camilo you need to start waking them up at 7:15 so they have time to eat, get ready and... Valentína why are you wearing your brothers clothes?" I said and I'm glad I noticed before I took them to school. "All the dead people stares at me..." I let a sigh and I hand Toni to Camilo. "Watch her" I say and I taken Valentína upstairs to change. "Darling I'm so sorry for your gift I know it's terrible." I say getting out her Pink dress out and I lay it on the bed helping her out it on. "It is Mamá and they scare me sometimes" I straighten out the wrinkles and kiss her cheek. "I promise when you get older you can control on if you want to see them or not okay?" She nods her head and then we go downstairs and I rush them towards the car. "Mom are you okay?" Andrés asked me. "Yeah baby I'm fine it's just I'm going to look like a bad mother because of your father." 

I drive off and then I take them to school and I meet their teacher and I had to deal with Andrés crying for me to not leave him but I had too. "Please Mamá don't leave" he cries holding on to my leg tight. "Sweetie I'll be back in 2 hours or so you'll be fine you have Valentína." He looks at her and starts crying more. "She scares me Mamá" I look at her playing with her fingers. "Tína" she looks up at me. "Stop scaring your brother." I say to her. "....Yes Ma'am" She says. I get down on my knees and I hold onto Andrés shoulders. "I'll be back in a few hours Mijo okay... You're going to meet knew people and have the best time ever in kinder-" he interrupts me. "Mom I can see what people think... What if they don't like me." "... Andrés a lot of people are going to hate you...but they're just jealous of you, and if anyone calls you any names ignore them...that's what I had to do" I kiss his forehead and I wipe his tears away. "And remember crying doesn't make you weak" "okay mama" He sniffles wiping his nose with his sleeve. "I love you both" I say on my knees and they give me a big hug. "We love you too" they both say. I walk out of the classroom and I drive home.

I get home and I see Camilo sitting on the couch. "Hey baby boy wheres Toni?" I asked him while sitting down. "She's in her room taking a nap." He says while finishing up a Arepa. "I want to home school them so bad but I can't-" "why can't you? I mean you graduated with a 4.0 Gpa" he informed me. "I know but I want them to make friends... see the world Camilo" I say softly and he kisses my cheek. "Have I ever told you how much of an amazing wife and mother you are Mi Vida?" I smile a little and he kisses me. The kiss was getting heated and I got on top of him and he slips off my cardigan and he starts pulling up my shirt until we quickly stop kissing each other. "For Gods sake please do this in your bedroom not on the couch" Mirabel says while quickly walking away. "Sorry Mira!" I yelled and she just waves me off. "Whoopsies" Camilo says and I smile and I kiss him one last time. "So how did they do?" He asked. "Andrés didn't want me to leave which I understand because of his gift and him seeing what people think about him so.." "Hey we'll make sure he has a happy life no matter what anyone thinks about him okay?" He says and I nod my head kissing his cheek and I get off of him but he pulls me back on top of him. "Camilo-" "C'mon Amor we haven't been able to do anything in 3 months" He whined. "And...we have to wait until Toni is one month old you know because my wound can open up and all my organs can just go" I make the same sound Bruno did when he said that the vision was trash. "Can we at least make out" He begged and I smiled and shook my head no. "What!? Whyyy!?" He said and I tease him by putting my lips close to his but our lips don't touch each other. "Because Camilo" "now you're just asking for it" he says and I smile getting off of him and making me way to the kitchen.

"Hey Kid" Bruno said and I smiled. "Hey Bruno how's it going.." I said as my voice got quiet. "Bruno who is this!?" I asked him as I saw a short frame standing in the door way. "Y/n...This is Joaquin.. you're half brother" I look at him. "My what!"

1041 words.
Ima just end it like that you have to wait until Ch 41 :)))
Sorry I haven't posted in awhile peeps ive been busy trying to catch up in school and keep my anxiety under control but it's not going great at all. I hope you enjoyed this and I love you all and I hope you had a amazing and wonderful afternoon/night/ or morning or all three <33

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