Chapter 11

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"Thank you mija for helping clean up" She says as she brushes my cheek with her thumb and I smile. "You're welcome mamá" I tell her while smiling I go to walk out and she stops me. "Mija... have you and Camilo ever..." I turn around with my eyes wide open and it feels like my mouth was hanging down to the ground. I pinch the bridge of my nose. "No maná...why would you even ask thst?" I say in embarrassment. "Because Amor I'm your mother" she tells me and I start walking out while saying. "Trust me mamá nothing has happened."

I walk to my room and when I walk inside Camilo was laying down on my bed and I go over there and get on top of him. "So what are you doinggg?" I asked him and he smirks and flips me over. "Well first off Amor you'll never be on top so get that through your pretty head" He said while kissing me."but anyways nothing what are you doing" He said between kisses. I smile then when I said his name he stopped and looked up at me. "Yes Mi amor?" He says and his eyes were on mine and his hands on my hips but I didn't want that to stop me from asking my question. "Can you stay...? I don't wanna be alone tonight and could you possibly come to the funeral?" I asked him I had sadness in my voice and eyes and he looks at me and kisses my lips. "Of course I'll stay Amor" I smile and I kiss his forehead then his freckles then his cheek and the finally his lips. 'They were so soft like butter so anytime that you would kiss'll be the best kiss ever.' He kisses me back right there and then. We continue to keep kissing and it's getting heated. He pulls my shirt over my head and stares at my body. "Camilo if you keep staring you're going to make me think somethings wrong" He smiles at me and plants a kiss on my lips on more time. "I'm sorry Amor you're just so beautiful" He gives small soft kisses on my jawline and that was the last time I felt a soft kiss because when he got to my neck it wasn't so soft, While I just sat there and let him kiss me everywhere I start playing with his hair while trying to not let anything escape out of my mouth, once he's done with my neck he moves down to my chest then my stomach and finally back up to my lips. When he's done he lays down and I get on top of him to do the same but as soon as I was about to take his shirt off...someone knocks on my door.

"One minute!" I yell so they don't come in. I throw my shirt on and I open the door. "What were you guys doing?" Cristian asked. I really believe Dolores tells him everything that goes on between me and Camilo. "Nothing Cristian now leave" I go to shut my door but he stops me and looks at Camilo then back at me. "Tell mom I took Dolores home because she's-" Camilo interrupted him and Cristian rolled his eyes as they fell on Camilo. "Can you have her tell Mom that I'm staying here tonight" Cristian nods his head. "Anyways like I was saying. Mom is out getting everything ready at the place we're having the memorial at for tomorrow so if she gets back before me tell her where I went." He tells me and I nod my head and before I can close my door he stops me again and I look at him angrily. "No funny business" He points at me and Camilo I roll my eyes and slam the door in his face.

I go back over to my bed and plop down and Camilo brings me in so he can cuddle me. "I'm sorry Camilo-". He kisses my cheek and smiles at me. "Don't be sorry Amor it's absolutely fine" 'Other then my brother being a absolute Cockblock then sure it was fine' I look at him and I see an expression pop up on his face like he had an idea or question or something. "Don't you mind telling me what your Abuelo was like? I only met him once at that was at Antonio's ceremony" I nod my head and I tell him all the stories he told me about my Abuela, What he taught me how to do, when he read me stories at night before going to bed. He just sat there and listen to me and when he saw a tear escape from my eyes every now and then he would wipe them away. "Your Abuelo sounds like he was a good man" I lean my head back to look up at him and it seemed like he was crying too. "He was...and were you crying?" He nods his head and explains himself even though he didn't need to. "Only because you were Amor and even though I never experience death in my family I can tell it hurts." I move around to where I was laying on my stomach and his hand rubs my back and he also traces circles in the middle of my back. "It does hurt...A lot and if you hold in your emotions too long it feels like you're going to explode.." Me and him talked and talked for hours, mamá didn't bother me neither did the rest of the family, I guess they thought I wanted to be left alone. Eventually I fell asleep in Camilos arms and that was the last thing I remembered.

Camilos pov
I wanted to stay awake for her just incase she had a bad dream or started crying in her sleep, but my eyes were so heavy I couldn't keep them open for much longer. She was comfortable so I didn't want to move or do anything that might wake her or cause her to move. This is the part of her life where she needs me the most and I'm going to make sure I'm there for her every tear, breakdown, anything. She starts mumbling in her sleep but I forgot she's a sleep talker so ignored it and by the minute I was getting more sleepy and sleepy and then when I closed my eyes I wasn't able to open then back up until I heard her alarm go off.

1110 words.

GOOD MORNING!!! This will be the last part until maybe 5pm Est because I start school again today.


Friends to Lovers (Camilo Madrigal x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora