Chapter 15

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I scribbled some words down on my notebook. I had an idea for a song. It just randomly popped into my head and I had to write it down before I forget it.

I heard my mom knock on the door, "Chester? Can we talk for a bit?" I sighed and nodded, putting my pen down and closing the notebook over it. She walked in and sat on my bed.

"Chester, I want to know where you go off to everyday."

"I just go off with friends mom." I emphasized the word "friends" a little bit.

"What friends? Honey, please tell me they're not like Chris."

"No mom, they're not. I know they aren't."

She looked at me long and hard,"Chester, I know that there's something else."

She eyed me and I shook my head. "What else is there? They're just my friends."

"Chester," she scolded. I huffed and gave in.

"Fine, I have a boyfriend mom."

She sighed, sounding a little angry and bothered, "You could've just told me sooner, Chester."

"And what?" I huffed.  "You slapped me when I came out in Jr. high mom! You might as well just punish me now that I actually have a boyfriend!"

She glared at me, "I just wanted to get closer to you. But if you're going act that way towards me, forget it."

Before she left, she turned to face me again. "I hope you're happier with him."

She slammed the door. I balled my fists together, grabbing at my hair. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it. I needed to see Mike. It'd be a good way to get out of here anyways. And she was right. I was happier  with him.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone. I was careful enough to avoid my mom, so she wouldn't stop me from leaving the house.

I walked towards Mike's house, occasionally stopping to admire the other houses around his neighborhood. At least his house wasn't shitty like mine. The interior of his house was so much nicer too. I saw a girl jogging ahead of me, wearing headphones and a Walkman that was blaring some pop music. I could hear the music blasting from behind me. She passed by me and then stopped. She turned around and eyed me.

"I haven't seen you around here before." She looked at me longer. "Wait, maybe...I think I've seen you before!"


"Do you go to Augora Hills High?"

I nodded. She squealed and shook my hand, "Hi! I'm Anna! Do you know Mike Shinoda?"

I blushed, "Yeah um, he's my--"

"Omigosh! Are you going to see him? I know where he lives! We should go together!"

I just wanted to pull my arm away from her. Other than the uncomfortable death grip she had on my wrist, I was afraid she'd see what I've done to it if she looked closely. But that's why the tattoos are there.

"Nice tattoos! I think tattoos are scary though. Its like they're there forever, which they are, but that's kinda scary. This one time I super glued my fingers together and ate raw chicken. I was an interesting day."

I wanted to yank my arm away so badly and just run for it, but I didn't want to be rude. "Can I tell you a secret? I know you're Mike's friend and all, but you totally have to know this." She leaned towards my ear, "I really like Mike Shinoda, but he's gay."

My heart almost flipped itself out my chest when she said that. Should I just tell her already?

"Oh there's Mike's house, um, see you?"

I tried to pull away but she clung on, "Wait! Can I walk you to the door?"

Before I was able to say no, she pulled me towards Mike's yard and she rang the doorbell a bunch of times.

"What the hell? I'm going, chill!" I heard Mike's voice from the other side of the door. My heart fluttered when I heard his voice. He opened the door and he smiled sweetly."Hey Chazzy," he said just as Anna was going to say hi. "Hey Mikey." I yanked my wrist away from Anna's grip and went towards him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and held me close to him.

"How was you're day?" He said smirking. I wanted to laugh, Anna was gonna get this. And she was gonna get it bad.

"Oh, it was just so wonderful babe."

Anna laughed uncomfortably, "Um, you two sure are super best friends huh?" She looked a little out of it.

"Nah, he's my boyfriend." Mike said kissing my head. I turned so he could catch my lips and we just started making out right there. Anna slowly backed away and then ran for it.

"I kinda feel bad now," I chuckled as we watched Anna put her headphones back on as she jogged away. 

Mike grinned, "Me too, but I just really don't like the way she clings."

"Tell me about it."

"So what's up? You usually call before coming?"

I sighed remembering what happened with my mom.

"I'm just so stupid Mike. I yelled at my mom for nothing. She was just trying to be nice to me and I blew it again."

He held me close to his chest. "Come on, let's go inside. You need some treats."

He took me inside and straight to his room. I felt kind of weird since I really haven't been in his room. All we did was eat and watch movies downstairs. I started feeling uneasy about what might happen. I really hope it isn't anything sexual.

He went to his closet and took out a small backpack. "Here, open it."

I did and there was a ton of candy in it. "What the hell?" I laughed, "Where did you get all this?"

He shrugged, "Phoenix." I got a Hershey's bar and automatically just dove into it. Mike laughed, taking some chocolate too.

"You don't eat much candy huh?"

"Nah, my mom is also super strict on sweets. I also never can afford it anyways."

We ate a bunch of candy and just cashed onto the bed. "Damn, Phoenix is insane sometimes."

 Mike chuckled, "He does, just can't wait until he has kids. He's gonna be an awesome dad."

I snuggled against Mike, "I still haven't met your mom."

"I know, she's just been working, she'll probably be home early today though."

"Oh okay," I sighed. It felt so comfortable here with Mike. 

 Mike smiled, "You're so beautiful Chazzy." He leaned forward and kissed my head. 


"Yea Chaz?"

"If we're together for a while, are we ever gonna have sex?"

He held me, "Only if you want to Ches."

"Okay," I said kissing him. We kissed for a while until the door opened. "Aw, Mike, he is adorable."

Mike pulled away and groaned. "Mom. Knock. Please."

She laughed, "I'm sorry, I had to see if your sweet heart was here."

She came and shook my hand, "Hi Chester. It's so nice to meet you finally."

"Same here Mrs. Shinoda," I chuckled, somewhat uncomfortably. 

"Chester, your a part of Mike's life, therefore apart of our family, please call me Donna." She smiled sweetly. I nodded.

"Mom, can you like please go now?" Mike groaned.

Mike's mom giggled, "Okay you love birds. Also, pizza is on the counter if you guys want dinner."

Once she was out I started laughing. "Dude, your mom is so awesome." He laughed with me and pulled me towards him. "I know."

"Where were we..." I breathed.

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